Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [adj] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Dictionary publishers have limited fonts available and the same font may indicate different roles in different parts of the definitions ( human readers are easily able to use the definitional context to determine the function of a particular font change ) .
2 Modern one-coat paints make redecoration simple and the range of designs in easy-to-strip flat and sculpture vinyl wallcoverings allow almost any effect to be created with the minimum of fuss .
3 Histamine has effects other than the stimulation of acid and pepsin secretion , such as marked vasoactivity .
4 The Government will licence authorizing bodies which may include bodies other than The Law Society and the General Council of the Bar .
5 Then , as now , people had nicknames as they do in Wales , and I have always suspected that this type of labelling has causes other than the lack of variety in local surnames .
6 our society has become so complicated and our representative system of government so remote to many fellow citizens , that there has to be an alternative way of expressing dissent other than the constitutional way of doing it through representative government .
7 If hardware flow control is used , the Z88 will bring RTS low when the receive buffer becomes more than half full and bring RTS high when the receive buffer is less than a quarter full .
8 It was unusual to see freights other than the local pick-ups on the loop .
9 Even bourgeois rooms may come to express values other than the merely material , as in Figure 11 , a seventeenth-century Dutch copy of the famous painting by Quentin Massys , The Money Changer and his Wife ( 1514 ) , which in its turn may be based upon a lost original by the fifteenth-century Flemish artist , Jan van Eyck .
10 This perennial plant 's big , bold , green clumps , measuring 90cm/3ft high and the same in diameter , grow even bigger and more productive before they deteriorate after a few years ' growth , and are then best replaced .
11 The slump in the housing market has certainly dented the view of house purchase as an investment , but the desire to buy remains strong and the quality and availability of private rental stock continues to be limited .
12 I approved of Paddy Ashdown 's commitment to spending more on education — but then no amount of money will make education good if the unions and the race relations industry are running the show .
13 Polly Peck got credit unsecured but the banks gave it without a term , that was Nadir 's ( above ) biggest Mistake ’ .
14 Guiding Lights was showing normal navigation lights but the pitch darkness made distance deceptive and the watchers ashore strained their ears for signs of shore contacts .
15 You know , kids get shit scared when the bombs are falling .
16 ‘ Jockeys make riding look easy when the reality is different , ’ his daughter Maureen Haggas , 31 , said last night .
17 The products are version 7.0 of PowerHouse , the end-user SQL query tool Impromptu , the Powerplay executive decision tool , the non-graphic end-user and reporting tool InQuisitive and the application and maintenance tool Architect .
18 They included NorandaKerr Ltd ( especially in North Wales and north-west and north-east Scotland ) , Phelps-Dodge Corporation NL ( in North Wales and Scotland-especially for porphyry-style targets ) , Acmin Explorations ( UK ) Ltd ( in the Pennine orefields ) , Swiss Aluminium Mining UK Ltd and the British Steel Corporation ( in the Northern Pennine orefield ) .
19 The wide range of courses in terms of content and timespan presumably reflects the budget and teaching staff available and the demand created by service needs ( notably shortage of staff in specific areas ) , and the needs expressed by interested applicants .
20 A humidifier keeps air moist and the Air Improvement Centre is offering SHE readers the electric Turmix 200 humidifier for the special price of £79 inc p&p until Nov 30 .
21 A series of shake-ups here has already seen two leading vendors , Georgia , Roswell-based , Computone Systems Inc and the UK firm Specialix Ltd , Byfleet , Surrey , reining back their operations in attempts to re-position themselves .
22 We have seen that most people with IBS do not consult doctors and those who do may have reasons other than the symptoms themselves .
23 At Alfort , for instance , the professors were constrained to reply to the same charge as was levelled at Coleman — that of neglecting animals other than the horse .
24 That 's why we 're saying transport important because the majority of people are over seventy five
25 as regards applications other than the excepted applications , provides that a board " may decline to consider " such applications where there is non-appearance .
26 The majority of suggestions have been on the lines that there should be a one- or two-year period in which it should be possible for the capital of discretionary trusts to be distributed tax free provided the settlement was made before 26th March 1974 and the result of the distribution was that there would be either absolute entitlement to the property or an interest in possessing it .
27 But he 's worried about the changes to British laws of giving evidence necessary if the bill is passed .
28 State surveys other than the Census The state conducts several other surveys at regular intervals , all of them on a sample basis .
29 For him a class was about life chances and included dimensions other than the ownership and non-ownership of the means of production .
30 Molla Khayr al-Din ( Hayreddin ) , Hoca to Suleyman , and Molla Ata Allah ( Ataullah ) , Hoca to Selim II , for example , themselves not having students other than the sultan , were at some pains to choose the best available to invest as .
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