Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , given no food choice a cat gives up asking for variety ; given variety it demands more .
2 With flashing eyes she stared hostilely up at him .
3 It may easily be objected that if he had wished to avoid becoming archbishop he had simply to refuse .
4 Above all , however , de Gaulle was worried that under the terms of the Treaty of Rome , the EEC was supposed , in January 1966 , to take more of its decisions by majority votes , which could force France to accept policies she did not want .
5 Ibbeth Peril has secrets it discloses only to brave men but its sylvan surroundings can be enjoyed by all .
6 He seemed to be talking to himself , and as he drew level he glanced suddenly in her direction .
7 At this time I remember too the widely reported story I had once thought apocryphal but now know to be in Dr. Ronald Glasser 's The Body is the Hero .
8 So when it had come playtime I went home .
9 want ages I do n't stacks written up
10 Through dazed , clouded eyes she gazed up at him , the taste of his kiss still tingling on her mouth , her heart beating an erratic tattoo within her breast .
11 People expect risks they did not ask for and can not control to be much lower -by 10 or 100 times — than those which they run willingly .
12 It is the last bastion against all these evils , and will remain so as long as it keeps acquiring books it does not have when they are found and brought to it .
13 The apothecary was bending over her , mumbling words she did n't understand .
14 rang bank up this morning , summat wrong somewhere and it 's supposed to be done by a computer , I do n't trust computers I do n't , I says the first I do n't know about having it back I should of said send it home send it to me address
15 When they visited Texas he asked why the young men seemed so gloomy when there was so much to be happy about , and in Cambridge he publicly embraced his old friend , Conrad Aiken , moving Aiken almost to tears .
16 I said I told you if you want chips you go down the chip shop .
17 But surely it it 's happened that it 's getting er and and I touch wood I do n't know how superstitious you are but it 's getting better and better and better for you each time because when you came here ooh some years ago since you first came into this studio er you were pretty popular then but it seems to increase all the time does n't it ?
18 Taking a deep breath , Terry nodded , and as though she too had forgotten Ellie she walked slowly towards her brother and out through the door .
19 Ten quid booking fee I got out of them as well so it 's better than
20 They like training which they can actually apply , that has practical applications so say if you 're thinking of something like erm motivation styles or something like that , if you were gon na introduce Lounslow I du n no at the motivation there are loads of them one 's Lounslow one 's Hertzberg if you were introducing our training to a pragmatist what would be essential is you could actually show the practical application of it , if you just put forward C V and no practical application the pragmatist would say well this is all very well in theory , but how can I apply it to my job and if they ca n't they think well what 's the value of this .
21 in all the years I have been keeping fish I have yet to suffer any form of disease or problems associated with feeding worms .
22 ‘ You can just see the sea from the nursery , ’ explains Prue , ‘ and if you stand on the loo and look out of that little window you can see all those cloverleaf intersections you drove over on the way in .
23 Do you know sweetheart I have often wondered since I knew about things whether a brother or sister ever did love with such a love as ours .
24 Despite many attempts to provide alternatives they remain however the most effective way of restoring dull finishes particularly on aluminium utensils .
25 Amen to that , say I. I have not changed my mind , even if my right hon. Friend has changed his .
26 Do n't joke about serious issues or say things you do n't mean or it could be held against you later .
27 He cracked jokes she did n't think were very funny .
28 Her eyelashes fluttered down to hide feelings she dared not let him see .
29 There 's no use keeping things you do n't need Jean , and you do n't know anybody that needs them !
30 Advertising changes society ; makes people buy things they do not want ; enables multinational capitalistic monopolies to batten on the working classes .
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