Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] [noun] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Stirling 's decision not to continue writer in residence is ill-advised
2 Lotze 's account of how these ‘ auxiliary impressions ’ became signs of location is much the same as Ryle 's .
3 The easiest method of producing hydrogen from water is by means of electrolysis .
4 Naming groups of people is an extremely complex issue , which is dependent on the political orientations of the people involved and on rapid changes in nuance and connotation .
5 In one article Whitty declared that , ‘ There is … a fair amount of prima facie evidence that the success of the political education movement in mobilising support from politicians is associated with their belief that it could assist in preserving the status quo and in bolstering respect for it . ’
6 Technological decisions necessarily dominate the design of the system in the sense of how the collective task of transforming inputs into outputs is achieved .
7 a plaintiff accepting money in court is not automatically entitled to cost of pursuing other defendants since costs of action refer only to costs against a specific party.the plaintiff may ask the court to exercise its discretion e.g if defendants liability is joint .
8 WHETHER or not the atomic bomb tests at Monte Bello affected the servicemen concerned there by radiation so that they may have developed forms of cancer is not proved and possibly is not susceptible of proof .
9 ( The ability to store and hence repeat sequences of instructions is what characterizes the computer as distinct from the desk or pocket calculator . )
10 Accordingly , using force without threat is robbery , only because there must be menaces in blackmail .
11 THE IDEA of transmitting signals by light is old .
12 Outcome in early treated subjects with phenylketonuria is not as good as was thought just a few years ago and is much more closely associated with the quality of blood phenylalanine control at all ages than previously recognised .
13 The band of bleating chorus from Scotland is present , with its regular melody , played on the strings of our hearts , about how bad things are north of the border .
14 Indeed , a system which has rules of adjudication is necessarily also committed to a rule of recognition of an elementary and imperfect sort .
15 The presence of equally spaced peaks in histograms is evidence of quantal behaviour , and the peak spacing gives a direct measure of the quantal size ( the postsynaptic effect of a single quantum ) .
16 In the preface of his book of etchings 78 Studies ( 1809 ) he says ‘ He has always considered fidelity of imitation is the first improvement in the fine arts . ’
17 10,000 MW of nuclear power to provide 10% of capacity is planned for the end of the century .
18 The survey based on interviews with 79 social services departments concludes action on abuse is often unco-ordinated and unrecorded .
19 The Classic Wallpaper Trimming Wheel by Harris is a nifty little gadget , specially designed to trim positioned wallpaper neatly and efficiently .
20 To meet force with force is successful only if the defender is as strong as the attacker .
21 Mr Ashdown said : ‘ Imposing 59 per cent tax rates incorporating NICs at £40,000 is very bad news indeed , in particular hitting middle management , not just middle-income earners with a 49 per cent tax rate at £27,000 .
22 An essential part of acquiring fluency in English is learning to produce connected speech without gaps between words , and this is the practical importance of linking .
23 For most of us , though , gaining recognition from others is to some extent dependent on our confidence in letting others know who we are and what we 're about .
24 AN ADVERTISING campaign to attract shoppers to Darlington is to be launched by the borough council .
25 Measuring the wider , compensating effects of automation is , of course , difficult .
26 The result of these decisions is that if the effect of an indemnity or similar provision is to require A to indemnify B against B's own liability to A , the clause will be treated as an exclusion , subject to the UCTA 1977 , whereas if the effect of the provision is to require A to indemnify B against B 's liability to C , the clause falls outside the provisions of the Act .
27 But women at the Rape Crisis centre … say rape by strangers is rare … the most common attacker is likely to be someone the owmen knows and trusts .
28 THE pastime of hurling plates around tavernas is now frowned on by Greek authorities .
29 care should be taken with apostrophes and alike ( compare Bloggs ' and Smith 's ) so that the search and replace exercise on decoding is as easy as possible ; and
30 Thus to consider a professional-client relationship when relating professionalism to teaching is made even more difficult since it is impossible to view this relationship in personal terms .
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