Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 The next step is to translate these into a person oriented description of what the successful scheme graduate will have acquired .
2 This principle should extend to embrace cases in which the tax or other levy has been wrongly exacted by the public authority not because the demand was ultra vires but for other reasons , for example because the authority had misconstrued a relevant statute or regulation , and should not be inapplicable simply because the citizen has paid the money under a mistake of law .
3 As at present advised , I incline to the opinion that this principle should extend to embrace cases in which the tax or other levy has been wrongly exacted by the public authority not because the demand was ultra vires but for other reasons , for example because the authority has misconstrued a relevant statute or regulation .
4 It is the triangle A ' ; E ' ; E. By reducing the quantity of hours from L to L ' ; , the tax causes society to stop using hours on which the marginal social benefit , the height of the demand curve DD , exceeds the marginal social cost , the height of the supply curve SS .
5 The Census of 1951 showed that many houses lacked amenities with which the council house since 1919 had been equipped .
6 On one hand , you have the ultimate spartan aesthetic for portraits : the passport photo — cold , detached , flatly lit etc — and on the other hand , there are heavily manipulated images in which the person who 's producing them is far more physically involved .
7 An independent inspectorate would have a right to comment also on teacher supply and teacher shortage and on instances of classes being taught subjects in which the teachers are not qualified .
8 The court found that as practice by the defendant as a consultant could not injure the plaintiffs ' professional business , the clause was too wide in that it sought to encompass activities in which the plaintiffs did not have a legitimate interest .
9 ( Affine connections or affinities are more general terms used to encompass cases for which the space is not necessarily Riemannian ) .
10 The ladies concerned I think were very pleased er , erm , I do I think it 's a very good idea , erm , to give a wife 's medal and er , with all the medals , and we ought to provide money for them the amount of waiting about they have to do
11 Diagnostic assessment will not be necessary for all pupils , at all times , but appropriate techniques should be used when more general formative assessments fail to indicate activities from which the pupil can learn .
12 Indeed the power of the Church rituals in society to provide icons through which the reality they were designed to express could be felt , should not be underestimated as Margery Kempe 's reaction , however extreme , bears witness .
13 First thing tomorrow he was going to phone the Chief Constable to request copies of everything the Old Bill found out .
14 Perhaps now might be the point to question whether this type of analysis belongs in Screen at all — is n't it unreconstructed literary criticism of the most discredited kind , combing through the textual evidence to find traces of what the author ‘ really thought ’ ?
15 The lands to the north and east of a line joining these two houses had in the ninth century been conquered and to some degree settled by pagan Scandinavians , who had destroyed the existing monasteries and several of the bishoprics , and such evidence as there is suggests that the Christianity practised within them retained aspects upon which the stricter kind of churchman would have frowned .
16 Their list of partial indicators includes publication counts , citation analysis , and peer review , and they neatly summarise the problems encountered in dealing with each indicator , and suggest methods by which the distorting effects of these problems can be minimised .
17 It 's not easy to find words for what the two of them meant to me at that time .
18 Only one investor found the nerve to find fault with what the vast majority considered to be an excellent performance in 1991 .
19 And that was the only time that I 've fired a rifle cos , well actually I went got , rose to a corporal I was a corporal when they finished and erm I was in er made cor lance corporal and then I was er with a heavy Vickers machine gun , that 's the one with the has water cooled casing on it the big heavy one you see , and I was with that , that team .
20 One way around this particular problem would be to adapt the approach recommended by the Canadian Sentencing Commission ( 1997 ) , in which guide-lines are used in the first instance simply to indicate offences for which the presumptive sentence would ( or would normally ) involve a community sanction , and those which would ( or would normally ) involve a custodial penalty .
21 Labour highlights areas in which the government has failed to meet its promises on freedom of environmental information , including drinking water quality , the release of genetically modified organisms , contaminated land , the thermal oxide reprocessing plant ( THORP ) at Sellafield , air pollution , forestry and ozone depletion .
22 Several other independent technological businesses provide models on which the future AEA might be based .
23 However , in practice it is rare to find circumstances in which the court would be prepared to find that an obligation of confidence arises by virtue of an implied term of a contract but not by virtue of an equitable obligation ( see for example Marshall ( Thomas ) ( Exporters ) Ltd v Guinle [ 1979 ] Ch 227 ) .
24 It will , however , be reasonable to exclude matters over which the Vendor has no knowledge or control .
25 The brains of its victims are found to contain areas in which the death of nerve cells is accompanied by demyelination ( the break up of the fatty sheath surrounding nerve fibres , which is essential to their correct functioning ) .
26 Where a party fails to comply with the direction for exchange of witness statements , he will not be entitled to adduce evidence to which the direction related without leave of the court ( RSC Ord 38 , r2A(10) ) .
27 Octopus feed on small crustacea , and Young designed experiments in which the octopus would be shown a large black or white shape — say a cross — at the same time as it was offered a small crab .
28 The proponents of such outrageous plans were easily muzzled and isolated by the police and military authorities , but localized , ‘ patriotic ’ sympathies for some kind of regional autonomy continued to be cherished by a few individuals and groupings until the collapse of tsarist authority and the ensuing chaos of revolution and civil war created conditions in which the adherents of Siberian independence could now openly press their case and join in the bitter , fratricidal struggle of contending political and nationalist forces which raged across the country 's huge expanses between 1917 and 1922 .
29 The absence of problems in these areas did not satisfy but created conditions in which the satisfiers , when present , could motivate people , hence the term hygiene factors .
30 The most important of these is that the use of expressions such as ‘ functional ’ or ‘ vitally necessary for society 's health ’ are really ways of disguising value-judgements about what the user finds acceptable or unacceptable in society .
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