Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 All day I have been seeing pictures of him at his best ; jumbled up in no chronological sequence — Saturday evening tram rides and visits to the Hippodrome with late supper afterwards in Malvern days , earlier days of ‘ where do you want to go to ’ in the study … the ‘ Well , boys this is grand ’ at the beginning of the holiday … his little drop of whiskey : his fund of wheezes .
2 You and your so-called friends make spectacles of yourselves at the party , litter the garden with debris and vandalise this fountain .
3 Landing fee for me at Southend is thirty-odd pounds ; Troyes cost just £2.50 .
4 He does n't understand at all , children say things to him at school he 's very mixed up i 'm going to have to seek a lot of help for all the children.He asked me : ’ Am I going to get the bike back for Mark and Thomas to ride on the child 's seat ? ’
5 In these programmes we 're talking with people in the community who have particular contacts with us , and Graham Mayhew , who is my guest today , is a particularly good example of somebody who has contact with us at all sorts of different levels .
6 And Graham Mayhew , who is my guest today , is a particularly good example of somebody who has contact with us at all sorts of different levels .
7 And send Kamala to me at once ! ’
8 Although there are conflicting dicta it seems that an owner who is not in occupation of the land at the time when the thing escapes is liable if he has authorised the accumulation , and that anyone who collects the dangerous thing and has control of it at the time of the escape would be liable , perhaps even when he is carrying it along the highway and it escapes therefrom .
9 She followed , trying to spot a public phone , and she had just caught sight of one at the corner of the building when he came out of the office , a key in his hand .
10 Occasionally , perhaps once a year , I caught sight of him at Ognisko , the Polish Hearth , in Prince 's Gate .
11 Milpitas , California-based Adaptec Inc says it has no immediate response to reports that competitor Distributed Processing Technology Inc , Maitland , Florida has slashed prices on its AT amd EISA disk controller boards : fear of a price war put Adaptec 's share price under pressure last week ; the company told Reuter ‘ Competitive pressure has always been there and we 'll respond as we always have ’ to it ; Adaptec 's manufacturing organisation could cut costs and pass the benefits onto its customers ; Distributed Processing is discounting its AT adaptors to $285 from $655 .
12 I 'd I 'd like you to write letters for me at least this week cos I 'm going to be
13 Go away and send Janet to me at once . ’
14 You 're going to be happiest closer to home now , Cancer and you 'll need time to yourself at the beginning of June .
15 Our trucks had open sides and Marius , Vermulen and I clung to each other , faces buried in our hoods , as we churned down the slushy autoroutes , the speed of the trucks sending icy , sawing winds through us at seventy kilometres per hour .
16 When the French dukes made peace among themselves at Auxerre three months later , the only losers were to be the English .
17 Somebody got hold of him at Edgbaston Golf Club one morning and asked him if he wanted a job this season — carrying for Brian Harley .
18 I want to drink tea with you at the Samoyovska Hotel in Kiev , and vodka with you in the evening in a place where they used to play gypsy music when I was a student .
19 It is obviously sensible , given your knowledge of the sector , to utilise you [ and your in house experts ] in the search process and we will very much welcome feedback from you at every stage of the search process .
20 But anyway sh , they 're gon na do lunch for us at dinner time .
21 The report says applications to mine at 652 new sites in England and Wales have been made this year .
22 But he stressed that he told officials about it at the post-match drugs test .
23 I could have made contact with it at any time .
24 It can put pressure on her family , on her children , er put pressure on her at work in her job situation and she could be under a lot of harassment .
25 The goldfish is deservedly the most popular species of fish kept in garden ponds and few , if any , ponds in this country will not have had goldfish in them at some time .
26 He 'll make Heathcliff pay rent , and hope to win money from him at cards .
27 So far as minimising the environmental effects was concerned the WO encouraged planning authorities to discuss problems with them at an early stage .
28 A young child when her parents divorced , she regained contact with him at 16 , after she left her mother .
29 Now you may as a manager think well you do n't have to do it all yourself , you can use senior people within your section who have the knowledge or you can use training officers or you can use people like ourselves at the training centre or the C B T or the I Vs or it could be that you bring the marketing department to help you out .
30 and it 's has n't got needles on it at all .
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