Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [adv] say [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Reports about light aircraft landing accidents often say that the aircraft bounced or ballooned , pitched nose-down and then flew into the runway in a series of worsening crashes , smashing the nose gear and engine .
2 Press reports variously said that the N'drangheta — the Calabrian equivalent of the Mafia — or the Camorra clan of Naples had been involved .
3 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp now says that it will spend more than $17,200m — that 's what it translates to — a year to connect every home and office in Japan to its fibre-optic Integrated Services Digital Network by the year 2015 ; it started on the network in 1985 .
4 If ever a man and a club seemed , in theory , to be ill-suited , then it is Winterbottom and Harlequins , the club who once caused Dick Best to say when confronted by a bout of absenteeism of Saturday : ‘ All perfectly valid excuses of course ; skiing in Andorra , shopping in Harrods … ‘
5 Luke Rittner , who resigned from the Arts Council for the sake of the ‘ arm 's length principle ’ the convention dear to British minds that politicians should not interfere in arts funding decisions now says that principle is dead and that the arts community must embrace the continental approach of ‘ hands on ’ government .
6 Schools can do much to improve discipline in schools without the use of sanctions — by motivating pupils ( emphasising and rewarding achievement ) , improving the physical environment , giving pupils more say and more responsibility , involving parents , and so on .
7 One 11 year old who was asked about the shape of the Earth replied that he knew he was supposed to say that it was shaped like a sphere , but that he thought people only say that so that it would fit easily on a globe :
8 Faintly , he remembered Lavinia once saying that the little girl from Sea House was going to come to the nursery school next term .
9 Did Cheryl really say that she loves me ? ’
10 Well it 's very , they are talking about er other issues up to they are talking about the workforce and of the erm the the report from the and er it seems that they do n't really want much to programme forward which I have put for next year very structural maintenance of the and I what the services are actually doing , they have lost council probably say that they are out of control .
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