Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Martin sat down ; he had been wanting to get to know Sarah better for some time and this seemed like a good opportunity .
2 Ideally , as the names imply , a low-pass filter passes signals up to some limiting frequency but not above it , a high-pass filter passes signals down to some limiting frequency but not below it , a band-pass filter passes signals over a range of frequencies but not outside it and a band-stop filter only passes signals outside a range of frequencies .
3 Ideally , as the names imply , a low-pass filter passes signals up to some limiting frequency but not above it , a high-pass filter passes signals down to some limiting frequency but not below it , a band-pass filter passes signals over a range of frequencies but not outside it and a band-stop filter only passes signals outside a range of frequencies .
4 The Def Leppard singer , at No 10 with Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad , admits : ‘ I could never get into a plane and smash things up like some stars do .
5 ROYAL BLACKHEATH , the oldest golf club in England , played host yesterday to some of the oldest golfers in Britain .
6 Nicola smiled , as if she were catching Helen out in some childishly transparent ruse .
7 ‘ You know , ’ he began , ‘ that you 've had enemies here for some time .
8 Back at the scene of the burglary , I can remember thinking next , ‘ Oh well , I suppose I can re-wrap some of the parcels that have just been torn open ; I suppose I could use cash instead for some of the presents that have gone ; there is some way that I can cope with this . ’
9 There are some sort of public schools survivors groups which have been set up recently and um it 's interesting that this business of being strong and silent um is a kind of is a kind of nineteenth century hangover and I think it affects men and I think it affects women too to some extent .
10 There was a metal grab bar and two bolts on the outside , one at the top , which could have had padlocks on at some time , to keep playful kids out .
11 It is therefore allowed , although e was an effect , that we might have got sc along with some extraordinary event or condition , and not got e .
12 He got Humphrey on to some Royal Commission on the training of engineers , or something of the sort .
13 If you decide to accept infertility or childlessness , then this is the process you will need to go through ; it 's difficult , but we all have to leave dreams behind at some time in our lives .
14 If you are sending photographs abroad for some friends or relatives , then why not send some local flowers , or some from your garden , as a reminder not only of your family but also of your home or country .
15 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
16 Just before La Barre , the road for Biarritz bends to the left and you can drive peaceably into that still glamorous resort , with the racecourse , the pine trees and beyond them the sands on one side , and more pine trees , the little Lac de Chiberta and the best known of Biarritz 's golf-courses on the other — the Basque Coast is very good for golf , with four courses all quite close to one another ; this is the English influence once again , creating links out of some auspicious dunes .
17 I have been taking Woodworker now for some 10 years and have at last been inspired to write a letter replying to that of David Thomas in the December issue .
18 ‘ Had to see Elmore there about some instruments .
19 After a frightful red-headed youth with a beard had taken Hyacinth away to some dance , the party had broken up , though not before Grunte , who was tight , had made a speech about ‘ many years of close friendship … a happy ship … a united party ’ and much more of the same .
20 The maths that you do ties up in some way with usually ties up with reality there 's some reason for it .
21 The ambiguities of the sixteenth century , when a mediaeval vagueness as to who had the right to send and receive ambassadors still to some extent persisted , were now a thing of the past .
22 He could n't find any brown paint , so he mixed cocoa in with some white paint .
23 COSI is thought to be part of a much broader technology effort now coming together that will likely involve IBM too in some way , though no-one we spoke to was prepared to elaborate further for fear of upsetting delicate negotiations .
24 The theoretical task , and in a significant sense secondary to the activity of producing " facts " , was to link observations together within some causal scheme .
25 We could still imagine that there is a set of laws that determines events completely for some supernatural being , who could observe the present state of the universe without disturbing it .
26 The diagrams have explanations underneath for some sailing terminology .
27 It would be tempting to assume that we have evidence here of some direct relationship with the Thynne family , Marquesses of Bath , at nearby Longleat ; that may be the case , but an equally likely explanation could be that the family was involved in nothing more than a slightly sycophantic attempt to ingratiate itself in some way with the local aristocracy .
28 Regular visitors to Switzerland will almost inevitably have changed trains there at some time or another .
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