Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [conj] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These were leaders who had not been subject to party screening or peer review and had succeeded almost exclusively on the strength of their appeal to mass electorates .
2 ( Ait Ahmed had been imprisoned by President Ben Bella after the unsuccessful Kabylie rebellion of 1964-see pp. 20963-64-but had escaped and fled abroad in 1966-see p. 22987 . )
3 A preliminary investigation is shown that uses a small scale statistical analyser to process text that had caused great problems for the rule-based system .
4 The report also confirmed that contras had reinfiltrated Nicaragua and had committed atrocities against the civilian population , often executing people .
5 While lords were concerned about returns from their estates , their normal practice was to exploit traditional resources rather than to seek more profitable areas for investment , even at a time when population decline made it hard for them to find tenants and had reduced rent levels and the income from them .
6 Then he 'd spied troopies and had trailed ‘ em , but they 'd sussed that .
7 Betrayal , the theme that had first entered Harry 's head in Burford , recurred to his mind now as the link between all the widely spaced events that had borne down on Heather Mallender .
8 PC Jones said he had not provoked Gore but had seen his attacker in the pub on occasions .
9 It had been a relief to reach camp but had taken all the will-power I could summon to put up the tent and cook a meal .
10 Both defendants maintained to police that the baby suffered fits and had done so during the weekend he died .
11 Lead fishing weights were banned in 1987 after thousands of the birds died from swallowing lead that had accumulated on the bottom of lakes and rivers .
12 The man had said good morning and Rufus had said hallo and had returned to the task he and Mary were embarked on , covering the flagstones of the terrace with quilts from the bedrooms .
13 Most heads could identify changes that had led to a more balanced or improved curriculum , either as a result of the purchase of additional facilities or due to a change in curriculum planning .
14 The lugubrious publican had seen it as his job to repel strangers and had employed to that end an impressive armoury of taciturnity , malevolent glances , warm beer and poor service .
15 These two countries may , however , be special in another way : both had suffered hyperinflation that had shattered not only their economies but also their political oppositions .
16 At Indica he had met Miles and had struck up a friendship with the ever-cordial Jim Haynes , and the early contributors pushed the new magazine beyond an Australian mafia , he emphasizes .
17 In the early days of the Church , Christians suffered persecution and had to have great faith to survive the violent opposition they received .
18 I was silent for a moment , trying desperately hard to remember events that had happened only a few minutes earlier .
19 My mother enquired after Ras Tafari 's wife and family , especially after his eldest son , Asfa Wossen , who as a baby at the time of the battle of Sagale had sheltered with us in the Legation ; then they spoke of mutual friends , and recalled events that had occurred while we were in Abyssinia .
20 ‘ But , inasmuch as before the search began the defendant told the plaintiff 's clerk that the charge would be the same whether he made extracts or had certified copies , and under that pressure the extracts were obtained , and it would have been most dishonourable for the party , after having got the extracts , to refuse to pay , the money so obtained may be recovered back .
21 The Atocha was a true time capsule and I will never forget the thrill of handling pieces that had lain on the ocean floor for over 350 years .
22 Her husband 's letter had reached them as soon as they arrived in their summer resting place and had plunged them all into abject misery .
23 The new group did not in fact achieve its target of 100,000 pledged supporters and had faded away by March .
24 Geoffrey Cardwell , defending , said Stephenson had gone to town to buy presents and had bought a bottle of vodka .
25 A male friend had tried to dissuade Hale from seeking a much needed job and had given her a thousand dollars to buy ‘ the most beautiful dress in New York ’ , telling her that what she needed was to find a rich husband .
26 ‘ Polly , ’ he said , smiling the same kind of disarming smile that had failed to disarm the Punk .
27 For the next two hours the literary lunchers surged around Hannah and virtually ignored the ostensible star of the show , who had been obliged to immediately follow Hannah and had fallen flat .
28 Patterson was very unlucky when he ran out of road coming into the start and finish area and had to restart the race at the end of lap two .
29 The September sun , proclaiming early spring in New Zealand , cast shadows between the millions of pine trees planted to cover hills that had become wasteland after the removal of native bush .
30 But anyone who could understand English and had watched the last Liberal broadcast , an exercise in pure Paddiography , would know perfectly well how she could say that .
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