Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [conj] it come " in BNC.

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1 We may lack confidence when it comes to discussing , or having sex .
2 The second solution , which contains hydrogen peroxide , is stabilised so that it will not liberate oxygen until it comes into contact with an alkali .
3 Mia has now flown back to America with the one-year-old dog , which she has named Tip because it came from Co Tipperary .
4 When Britain joined under John Major as Chancellor , the Bundesbank thought the level was too high and was not prepared to support sterling when it came under pressure from speculators , he added .
5 It is called Kulta and it comes from the distant reaches of Lapland .
6 yeah , do n't , I know name when it come up like that .
7 Gaselee , whose head lad Peter Heaney comes from Ulster — ‘ and I would n't be without him ’ — is one of the old school who takes life as it comes .
8 Most snowdrops prefer moisture but the autumn-flowering Galanthus corcyrensis performs best if it bakes in summer and , as a bonus will amaze visitors when it comes into flower , minus its leaves , in October .
9 Henceforth I shall take life as it comes , looking not to the future …
10 Ever since Cherith , I 've vowed that I 'd just take love as it comes — and as it goes .
11 In the meantime I intend to stay healthy enough to enjoy success when it comes and you 'd be wise to do the
12 The caterers have to turn hoteliers when it comes to the Executive Development Programmes at Heaton Mount where there are 30 bedrooms , providing top service and up-market menus to appeal to business professionals .
13 It 's , it 's really stocking stitch cos it came from the stocking machine did n't it ?
14 Both received praise for the presentation , the colour and the crowds but mixed reviews when it came to the standard of play .
15 Well you 're not gon na get , be able to get marks if it comes to that son !
16 But at the level of implementation such as totalizing conception of social disciplining often lacked precision when it came to dealing with specific problems .
17 Sub-editors loved the Eastern excursion and imaginations ran riot when it came to headlines .
18 When Christopher Steffen , reportedly a slash and burn merchant when it comes to cutting costs and staff , quit Eastman Kodak Co on Wednesday after just seven weeks in the job of chief financial officer of Eastman Kodak Co , saying that the team was agreed on the objectives , but had irreconcilable differences on how to get from here to there , IBM Corp shares jumped for joy in anticipation that he was about to be named finance chief — but the joy subsided and so did the share price , off 87.5 cents at $49 when nothing happened yesterday ; word out of IBM is that there is an appointment already to be announced , but unless the fact that Steffen is now at a loose end causes a last-minute re-think , he is not the man that IBM has in mind .
19 No er take life as it comes you know .
20 Understandably , therefore , people take success as it comes and rarely consider the ingredients of the success nor how to replicate it .
21 If the right hon. Gentleman does not accept what I say about industrial matters , he will perhaps listen to the head of the Swedish employers federation , who said that the Community should learn from Sweden : ’ It could above all avoid mistakes when it comes to regulations based on the social charter .
22 My grandad was a barber and my mother was a hairdresser so they taught me how to cut hair and it came in very useful , especially when I did National Service .
23 Ramsay and Fraser reckoned that perhaps one-third might desert Dunbar when it came to the crunch .
24 The full caboodle is magnificent , but it does cause problems when it comes to transportation .
25 See trouble before it comes . ’
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