Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [conj] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 Despite this evidence , one can not preclude the possibility that the α-glucosidase inhibitors produce their effect solely by inhibiting absorption and that the acceleration of MCTT is a secondary phenomenon , more or less irrelevant to the percent absorption .
2 Its purely endogenous nature is well illustrated by the facts that it can be evoked by the absence of a stimulus such as a gap in a long sequence of evenly spaced tones and that the actual probability and significance of the stimulus is less important in determining whether or not the P300 will occur than the subject 's perception of its probability and significance .
3 Sennett was the initial genius who taught the others that anything ought to be tried that produced laughter and that the ultimate test was whether any movie actually worked for audiences .
4 Michael Wilson , the Canadian Finance Minister , who chaired the Interim Committee , said that all countries had made concessions and that the compromise 50 per cent increase represented a " balanced agreement " .
5 Rather , the new law requires that academic positions be filled by responses to open advertisements and that the disciplines concerned be determined by the universities and not by the ministry .
6 Does he further agree that that needs to be a Europe which is not only open and ready to trade fully with the rest of the world , but also ready to grapple with the greatest danger facing European stability , a danger which was scarcely mentioned at Maastricht , and which must be faced by ensuring that the nations of eastern Europe make it all the way to open democracies and that the vast and scattered nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union is brought under proper control and we prevent a great proliferation of nuclear weapons in the successor states ?
7 It is generally taken for granted ( by members of society and governments alike ) that investments should bring profit and that the living standards of the propertyless should be based on the demands of the market for their skills .
8 He shifts his ground , arguing first , that he has feigned madness and that the doctor is a fool to be taken in ; and second , that his doctor has mistaken poetic genius for madness because he is a fool .
9 A pity that the orchestra lacked polish and that the chorus ( and even Gwynne Howell 's Hermit ) were inclined to rush ahead regardless .
10 And there is evidence to suggest that sustained aerobic walking not only increases BMR but that the increased BMR continues permanently .
11 There are five pages in this option , the last four of which are similar to those of option 4.2.0 — Update SSR except that the user can only view information using this option .
12 One section of loyalists correctly forecast that the proposed constitutional convention was an exercise to buy time and that the Westminster government would ignore its recommendations as cynically as it had ignored earlier constitutionally expressed wishes of the loyalist majority .
13 GABA concentrations were unchanged before seizures , but increased during them , with a greater rise in the non-epileptogenic hippocampus , suggesting that a rise in extracellular glutamate may precipitate seizures and that the concentrations reached may cause cell death .
14 Managing director John Eckmire said : ‘ It 's our wish that Frank and Nigel should re-open discussions and that the prospect of Nigel 's premature retirement will vanish . ’
15 Given that our primary concern is with perceptual learning it might be argued that this last process is what should command attention and that the processes involved in latent inhibition ( apart perhaps from the attentional change it involves ) are of marginal importance only .
16 That homework should last approximately half an hour or whatever it consists of , erm reading , written work , finishing off drawing research whatever that homework should be handed in the next day , form teachers to remind classes of this and to co-ordinate delivery of the books , papers etcetera to the member of teaching staff and that the non production of homework is to be the concern of the member of of teaching staff and not the form teacher , although regular non producers will be the concern of us all .
17 The house is a mobile home , carried about as the caddis walks , like the shell of a snail or hermit crab except that the animals builds it instead of growing it or finding it .
18 " But anyway we believed in buying land and that the municipality ought to have a share , that the community ought to have a share in the equity of real estate . "
19 The PCC considered that the dialogue with the USA had reached deadlock and that the PLO should seek other ways of dealing with Washington from a stronger negotiating position .
20 The function of the impartial mediator or conciliator may be described as to act as a catalyst to ensure that negotiation does take place and that the issues are confronted and as a facilitator to enable an agreement which both parties can perceive to be fair .
21 But you 're given this very general instruction to begin with that yes we are returning to land reform and that the peasants are , are seizing land and this is what you should be supporting , and then when you come on to they , as you 're saying that they really are quite moderate .
22 The Baroness remained impermeable throughout it all , quite untouchable , maintaining that she did not murder Dale and that the fraud was misunderstood .
23 Within days the Department was back with ‘ reassurance ’ that the specimen paper was deliberately intended to stretch pupils and that the actual paper would contain easier material .
24 Now erm the wealthy peasants or and sort of and , and other people who , who were possibly sort of er small landlords , they were trying to get involved in these associations because they felt they , they could see they were gathering pace and that the , the cost of exclusion would be very high .
25 Knox J. held that the defendant was not entitled to rely on a plea of non est factum on the ground that the mother did not know that she had been appointed attorney and that the transaction was a sale within the power of attorney .
26 In particular , the survey suggests 71 per cent of secondary schools in metropolitan authorities will lose money and that the average cut in Liverpool , Manchester , Rochdale , Salford and Derbyshire will be more than £100,000 a school .
27 They may reach different conclusions , but they do not pre-empt the discussion by claiming either that one side is talking nonsense or that the other side is talking from a position of impossible disadvantage through lack of faith .
28 Even in the case of a regular wage-earner or salaried employee , there might be complications ; for example , the plaintiff might claim that he would have been promoted to a more remunerative post ( in which case the court must assess his prospects of promotion and award damages accordingly ) or the defendant may claim that the plaintiff 's employer had suffered severe business setbacks that necessitated redundancies and that the plaintiff would have lost his employment ( in which case the court must consider all the circumstances and award as damages what it estimates to have been the plaintiff 's net loss ) .
29 The group leader 's belief that all members have expressed views and that the decision is a consensus of divergent views .
30 This predicted with remarkable accuracy that the Government had decided to scrap SERPS and that the task would be transferred to private schemes and companies .
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