Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As did the House Manager who roamed throughout performances in the foyer or the staircases , the bars of Stalls , Dress Circle and Upper Circle , keeping an eye on programme girls ( most of them certainly mature ) who , in their black dresses and little aprons , ushered , sold programmes and in the intervals brought trays of tea and biscuits ( coffee in the evenings ) , while in the orchestra pit the band ( tuxedoed , although who knew whether their trousers matched ) played pleasing music .
2 Repair damage as for the chimney
3 In the large Ethiopian and Eritrean refugee camp at Towawa , near Gadaref in eastern Sudan , where 20 000 refugees have lived for over two years , parents stop their children using latrines because of the risk of the ground caving in during the rainy season .
4 would be T squared watch that by the way because I did say that 's D S by D T
5 It was easier for this head to talk about methods of producing unity than about the ideals behind it .
6 The batsmen now change gear and for the next 25 overs try to raise their run-scoring — ‘ strike-rate ’ in television jargon — to five or six an over without conceding more that three of four wickets .
7 It restricts the mobility of the family , it does not create pride of ownership , it does not give a sense of belonging within the community , it encourages crime and with the resultant loss of personal safety .
8 Sadler began by reminding readers that throughout the nineteenth century the ‘ authority of the state ’ had gradually made itself felt in relation to education , resulting in the 1870 Act .
9 Like any political arriviste , he could not be sure whom he should trust among his colleagues , but the faction-fights of the previous thirty years must have taught Ceauşescu that in the Romanian Communist Party ideological affinity or even past services counted for little .
10 And while it may be too easy to interpret some of the recent decisions on moorland ploughing in terms of political influences and the ideologies and interests that now dominate the parks , inevitably they raise doubts as to the adequacy of the testing of the issues involved .
11 With respect to goods purchased from a non owner , this rule has been construed by the Swiss Supreme Court to mean that ‘ whenever the circumstances raise doubts as to the quality of the seller , the purchaser may no longer content himself with the mere appearance constituted by possession ; the purchaser must enquire into the seller 's capacity to convey property right ’ .
12 Difficult decisions will need to be made to ensure that commissioned research is sufficiently responsive to the needs of purchasing authorities but at the same time of sufficient scientific rigour to attract good quality academic researchers .
13 Collisions in general shift frequencies because of the way they perturb atomic structure , and the quantum effects under these conditions make the interactions significantly harder to calculate .
14 American railways , apart from relatively small suburban networks , can not even consider electrification because of the enormous infrastructure costs .
15 We all vary in our capacity to synthesise cholesterol and in the speed at which we break it down .
16 KPMG Peat Marwick will be available on behalf of the shareholders to consult with prospective purchasers and to provide guidance as to the form and content of contemplated offers and to respond to requests for additional information and if appropriate , discussions with senior management of [ name ] and visits to the relevant sites .
17 Let me , let me just illustrate that in the case of sacking MacArthur and in the case of sending federal troops to Little Rock to des desegregate schools , the orders were readily carried out .
18 With regard to empirical criteria , research can be criticized on the grounds of faulty methodology in the design of instruments for assembling data or in the means used for measuring them .
19 The International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation , Intelsat , owned by some 120 nations worldwide , is under such pressure to increase capacity that for the first time , it is to lease capacity on three satellites that it does not own .
20 The hon. Gentleman then implied that it was difficult for people to obtain certificates because of the cost of obtaining the qualifications .
21 But for the next week the Circus is very much in town … much to the dismay of the greengrocer who provided lunch but to the delight of those watching
22 Everyone loves lambs and for the Cotswold Farm Park they 're a big attraction at this time of year .
23 If you press ESCAPE whilst on the main menu screen , you will be asked whether you want to exit from the Designaknit program .
24 When John A. Droege came to write his classic work on the American station in 1916 , he regarded train-sheds as beyond the pale :
25 Completer finishes finishers because at the end of the day that job has got to be finished off .
26 If you use techniques which are in inappropriate to those conditions then you could compromise safety because of the stability of the mine working .
27 But I 'll finish Chairman , by saying that also I 've received complaints from er , a tenant farmer , not one of our tenant farmers , but a p a person who farms who actually has problems because of the pressure that that farmer is under to allow the hunt to go across their land because they 're surrounded by by farmers who do allow them .
28 R.22 contains provisions as to the name of a recognised body .
29 Therefore , to grant pardons because of the harshness of the sentences would be no more rational than pardoning all those who , a century before , were executed for stealing goats or loaves of bread .
30 Subjective assessments of pain and difficulty during exercise were significantly less for patients in the experimental group on both test dates than for the control group , although they improved for both groups .
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