Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [conj] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Where 's he making it , he must have had money he did n't just buy those fields and make money and have a big house like that .
2 A copyright owner can , of course , grant permission or issue a licence or contract for a work to be copied or reproduced in some way , either in part of whole .
3 It followed a day of incidents yesterday when people in the Breton ports of Concarneau and Roscoff staged protest marches , attacked warehouses and forced a British cargo ferry carrying lorries loaded with fish to switch ports .
4 Three days before the presidential elections , the military government on Dec. 11 , 1989 , granted the Central Bank full autonomy under new statutes which allowed the Finance Minister to attend meetings and to have a 15-day veto on policy .
5 When President Lech Walesa refused to accept the government 's resignation , preferring to suspend parliament and call an election , it looked more worrying still .
6 The booklet , entitled Prompt Payers — a Guide , provides companies with an immediate check on their customers ' commitment to prompt payment and includes a copy of the code itself .
7 The prosecution claimed that the murder victim was alone in a carriage when the defendant — aged 15 years at the time — confronted her , demanding money and brandishing a knife .
8 It gave the Celts delightful chieftains , such as Lovernius who entertained hugely : " And when at length he fixed a day for the ending of the feast , a Celtic poet who arrived too late met Lovernius and composed a song magnifying his greatness and lamenting his own late arrival .
9 The awards are held at the Bains Douches club and provide an opportunity for the exhausted fashion business to get together , congratulate each other , slag each other off , and get appallingly drunk .
10 So we let them go on in their grubby little greedy ways while we looked at papers and account books and took an inventory of the wine-cellar and just watched how the system operated . ’
11 However , a more realistic approach is to see trips as forming a chain , linking activities through the day .
12 If such industries are nationalized in order that they can produce closer to the socially efficient output , it is inevitable that they will make losses and require a subsidy from the government .
13 Their Lordships accepted that there was no general duty to provide reasons but attached a caveat , that if the preponderance of reasons pointed in favour of taking action and the Minister gave no explanation for taking a different course , the court would infer that he had no good reason and that he was misusing his authority .
14 On April 29 , 1988 [ not 1987 as stated on p. 37082 ] , the then Prime Minister , Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda , unexpectedly dissolved parliament and called a general election .
15 The two men maintained contact and Frank Francis-Francis often visited Henley and provided a seat for the Artisans which was given , in turn , to the Club in 1971 .
16 I do n't have to pass exams or get a job , we do n't need the money — oh no , I do all this purely for my own amusement . ’
17 One senior officer described policewomen as having an ‘ instinct for tidiness ’ which made them good administrators ( FN 30/11/87 , p. 33 ) ; frequently they were described as being suited to dealing with child and female offences because of their more compassionate natures compared to male colleagues .
18 Labour 's Scottish home affairs spokesman , John McFall , attacked the Government 's record on tackling crime as indicating a ‘ state of torpor ’ .
19 The articles themselves have buttons with arrows on to indicate words that have a separate entry in the Encyclopedia , these are accessed by clicking on the button .
20 On the other hand , my opinion is that , efficacious though it proved to be , there are better methods of inducing scepticism than applying a hard rubber , wielded in the sleeve of a gown , at high speed to the side of the head .
21 It 's flexible , so you can either count calories or follow a weekly menu plan — just make your choice .
22 He thought that Craig might have lost some votes because people had not forgiven his voluntary coalition heresy but recognized that , had Craig emulated Paisley and created a reputation as an active constituency MP , he would have retained the seat .
23 She knows that if she had pointed this out to William , and expressed her own wish to take child , and papers , to the Common , William would obligingly have offered to stay at home and chop carrots and peel potatoes and keep an eye on the lamb in the oven .
24 She was fined £10 and caused a riot when crowds besieged the police for stopping her performance .
25 St Clears Chamber of Trade and Commerce have been landscaping the approaches to the town in order to attract visitors and provide an amenity for local residents .
26 I believe bus drivers already have radio communication ; could they perhaps use it to report the illegally parked vehicle and summon a towaway unit ?
27 The painstaking restoration of the 125-year-old spire cost £150,000 and building a new church in the next 18 months will total £1.2m , excluding fees .
28 Presumably , arthropod guests that share a fungal parasite with the ants have a strong biochemical resemblance to their hosts , which probably indicates a long-standing association .
29 Anyone who needs to contact Petsearch either to report a missing or found pet or to give a donation should contact .
30 His co-defendant , Alison O'Leary — Foster 's girlfriend — was convicted of wounding Bream and assaulting a woman guest .
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