Example sentences of "[verb] [modal v] [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many practices are worried that only by taking a fund can they retain some independence from what they fear may be increasingly arbitrary or incomplete control by the family health services authority or its eventual successor .
2 The employment that does exist may be only seasonal in tourist areas .
3 The reduction in the plasma CRP concentration as the acute phase response subsides may be similarly rapid , with a fall from peak with a half time of 48 hours , as hepatocyte production of CRP rapidly decreases .
4 Panel gaps and door shuts should be consistently narrow .
5 The support given should be that necessary to carry out your objectives .
6 I have very little knowledge about why ordinary members joined , but my knowledge of why those people who later became ministers joined should be fairly representative of the core support .
7 Soil for rooting should be reasonably friable and well-drained , and free of weeds ; a little coarse sand in the base of the hole will help in rooting .
8 It grasped — as one hopes its successors have — that the pressure to bring military potential to bear may be more important than military potential itself .
9 There is even a suggestion that rewards which are routine and expected may be more motivating that the ones given only for extra special effort .
10 The ones that were actually caught must be particularly wary and will , no doubt , be conveying their nervousness to the shoal they returned to .
11 We know we 're taking in some erm five hundred more council houses , and we know that the rents of those , as they come in , are considerably higher than those of our own , and the rent rise they will have to suffer will be very little in comparison with the one that the City Council is putting off .
12 Ideas will be voiced but not listened to and developed ; or rejected because the level of interrupting and overspeaking will be inefficiently high .
13 Some personal needs will be more important than others and an individual will be prepared to sacrifice some of his objectives for his own greater benefit ( eg. an individual may be prepared to sacrifice some of his time in order to do a job which earns extra money ) .
14 In turbid water the depth to which corals grow will be more limited than in clear water .
15 Overseas Development Minister Baroness Chalker said : ‘ Until some semblance of peace and security returns , helping the hungry and dying will be enormously difficult . ’
16 A knowledge of the ionospheric status will often suggest which bands will be more productive .
17 We are all the sum of our experiences , and one person 's interpretation of what you say will be very different from that of another .
18 To anyone familiar with the writings of authors such as Gummer , who are critical of the changes that have taken place in post-war Britain , the characteristics he highlights will be similarly familiar .
19 On the other hand , they know that the price of preserving their communities in the way that they want will be too high for their own country to have to pay .
20 Most of the main roads are in good condition , but driving can be very tiring as there are many bends , and most of the roads are built onto the mountainside with deep ravines dropping away below , and you never quite know what 's around the corner — be it a bus straddling the centre of the road to take a corner or a group of children playing football in the road .
21 As requested I wrote and asked about self-catering accommodation at the conference and I received a reply saying that there 's one house that erm she 's come across that she thinks might be particularly suitable for us .
22 Even Microsoft 's MSD ( Microsoft Diagnostics ) throws up a warning screen when run from the Windows DeskTop , saying ‘ information presented may be less accurate or complete than if MSD is run outside of Windows . ’
23 The worker , we concluded , is caught in that he wants to make some investment in work , even though the ends sought may be quite diverse by different workers , and , at the same time , is always caught in a situation where he has to experience feelings of resentment .
24 Usually hypotheses seek to refine theory , since the generalizations already made may be relatively low-level , crude ones , and the new hypothesis seeks to produce a more sophisticated statement of relationship .
25 Why something is not done may be as significant as why something has been done .
26 What I can not do is go around and do a full enquiry to find out what the position is , an enquiry indeed might be difficult , because you may have found these people but actually pinning down er to who does it and what actually happens may be more difficult .
27 Hence , if Mr Keen purchases a freehold shop which was previously an undertaker 's and wishes to open Ghosts , a wine bar , on the premises , although the building work he undertakes may be wholly internal , a change of use is involved and therefore planning permission is required .
28 The amount of land made available for them to purchase should be approximately equivalent to the allotments they had tilled for their own subsistence under serfdom .
29 But the statement which is made must be neither false nor misleading .
30 Moreover , whilst in the retailing sector enterprises might supplement their labour forces by about 10 per cent to cope with seasonal peaks , in the holidays sector the increase made might be as high as several hundred per cent .
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