Example sentences of "[verb] [be] show [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ but invariably , even when we have needed to correct or update details in our reports , the sad fact remains that the overall portrait of horror has been shown to be true and if anything , understated . ’
2 Yet since 1987 , the level of child sexual abuse diagnosed in Cleveland has been shown to be no higher than elsewhere in the country , and an increasing number of people locally take the view that she should be treated in the same way as myself — allowed to return to work as a paediatrician in Cleveland , but restricted from working in child abuse for the time being .
3 Mental handicap can also be reduced in cases where the likelihood of having a mentally handicapped child has been shown to be higher .
4 So the results of this trial will be of enormous benefit to mothers as in future they will be offered a treatment which has been shown to be effective .
5 The presence of at least some specialist assistance has been shown to be essential for raising the standards of the whole team .
6 This may be important as weight loss with accompanying reduction of blood pressure in obese non-diabetic hypertensives has been shown to be accompanied by reduced levels of plasma renin activity and aldosterone ( Tuck et al , 1981 ) .
7 Serum triglyceride levels are generally unaltered in both short- and long-term studies ( Dodson et al , 1985 ) , providing unrefined carbohydrate is used , as opposed to refined carbohydrate which has been shown to be hypertriglyceridaemic in some studies ( Reaven , 1980 ) .
8 Alternatively anaerobic digestion of the slurry by bacteria at a temperature of about 35°C has been shown to be effective in alleviating odour emission .
9 For example , brief counselling by general practitioners has been shown to be as effective as benzodioazepine tranquillizers for patients with minor affective disorders of recent onset ( Catalan et al. 1984b ) .
10 Cannabis Teenagers often insist that cannabis is harmless , but it has been shown to be a high risk for certain users .
11 Prediction has been shown to be difficult , if not dangerous , when one thinks of all those worthy , well-written , sincerely felt , and critically-supported books that remain unread ( see Manning , 1969 ; Avery , 1972 ) , and those obvious , apparently superficial and mundane pot-boilers that gain young readers ' affections .
12 Supposition abounds not least because the custom has been shown to be much older than the legend to which its origin is attributed .
13 The objective is simple — to ensure that others learn from the experience of the identified ‘ best ’ and raise their own level of performance to that which has been shown to be attainable .
14 Excess salt has been shown to be linked to high blood pressure and may also affect the efficient function of the kidneys .
15 Those that have seemed to indicate that ESP might be at work have generally later been discredited : either the subject of the experiment has been proven to be a charlatan or the experimental procedure itself has been shown to be flawed .
16 CQD a product imported from Germany and available from specialist aquatic retailers , has been shown to be very effective in treating certain , but not all , cases of Hexamita infection .
17 This has been shown to be an effective and rapid method of training but it does require intensive supervision from an adult .
18 Medication Imipramine ( a tricyclic antidepressant , Tofranil ) is the only drug that has been shown to be significantly more effective than a placebo in reducing wetting frequency .
19 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
20 To cap it all , the administration has been shown to be not just partisan , not just radical in some of its instincts , but alarmingly accident-prone .
21 Light adaptation characterized by a decrease in rod sensitivity in the presence of background illumination has been shown to be mediated by Ca 2+ ( refs 26 , 27 ) .
22 Subsequently , the Galactic Centre has been shown to be astonishingly bright at many wavelengths , although it can not be seen optically because it is obscured by intervening dust .
23 Recently , a non-peptide substance P antagonist ( CP 96345 ) has been shown to be effective in animal models of pain and inflammation .
24 There are basically two positions that can be taken with respect to this irrevocable split between theory and practice : either Marxism has been shown to be not true , or the Marxism of Stalinist Russia was not proper Marxism .
25 Non-mydriatic fundal photography is useful for detecting retinopathy in patients with diabetes and has been shown to be effective in identifying previously unrecognised retinopathy when used in the community .
26 The creatine kinase increase in all nine infants has been shown to be due to the muscle isoenzyme .
27 Moreover , by choosing an option that has been shown to be the best in terms of quality of life days gained general practitioners would be more certain that they were acting with beneficence ; at present , using simply their ‘ unaided intuitive judgment ’ to make such decisions , they can only hope that this is the case .
28 It is much more disconcerting that the CD4 count has been shown to be an unreliable indicator of the effectiveness of drug treatment in HIV infection .
29 The origin of this unusual monster has been shown to be in Early Dynastic Sumeria ( see p. 146 and fig. 14.29 above ) .
30 In addition a recently identified group of pain afferents ( usually functionally dormant and called ‘ sleeping nociceptors ’ ) has been shown to be activated by inflammation and may contribute to peripheral sensitisation to pain after injury .
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