Example sentences of "[verb] [be] for [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is no mention anywhere of the fact that these were brothers and sisters , nor that they were born in Frome ; that has been for us to establish later .
2 ‘ All I want is for him to come here , take Jennifer in his arms and face me .
3 What you want is for me to stroke your ego by telling you that he does n't compare to you . ’
4 Otherwise all we want is for her to have fun , and to enjoy happiness and health . ’
5 ‘ What I want is for us to talk long and hard , and now , ’ she declared , and , swivelling on her heel , she marched back into the house .
6 ‘ What I really want is for us to reach these people before Moscow does : there 's no argument about who they 'll want to pin it on .
7 So on 13 and 14 March the best that could be done was for him to give Harwell full details and let them get on with it themselves ( see Chapter 7 ) .
8 What was needed was for us to get together with an arbitrator .
9 By now , however , the biggest pressure Kylie is facing is for her to move towards live appearances and a major world tour to capitalise on the success of ‘ I Should Be So Lucky ’ and all that has followed it .
10 Well I 'll I 'll erm Well if you 've got the insurance the be the best thing to do is for me to tell them when you 've actually been done .
11 Intuitively she felt the depths of the anguish he 'd suffered , knew without having to be told how hard he had struggled to help his sister , understood how devastating it must have been for him to realise she 'd gone beyond his help .
12 ‘ The ideal thing would have been for them to keep to their offer of a two-year deal and I would have signed it before the final .
13 Squigs are unpredictable and in many way the best thing that can happen is for them to go wild once they are near the enemy .
14 Luke Calder was used to getting what he wanted from life , and the last thing she needed was for him to turn his sights on to her , even though it might only be to put her back in her place !
15 That dalmatica that Tony sent is for you to wear , it 's not a pudding cloth for making spotted dick in .
16 ‘ We need the supporters and all I ask is for them to stay with us for the 90 minutes . ’
17 ‘ What I do intend is for you to drive down town with me right now , come into the notary 's office and sign away any rights you imagine you might have .
18 But the whole point of Pam being there , my being fostered , was if I could n't cope was for her to take over .
19 ‘ All the same , ’ she said , ‘ all I meant was for her to break a leg . ’
20 The last thing I would have wanted was for you to become emotionally involved with me . ’
21 All that was left was for her to undress him .
22 All I would want is for you to make the journey into the burning , and then come back and report .
23 And they said we do n't mean to be over the men , but what we mean is for you to come down the office , no what the office wants as regards orders , and be responsible and pass them out to the men who you 'll think who 'll do the job best and all that , and that 's what we mean .
24 He had seen how entirely wrong it had been for him to have assumed that Beatrice Throgmorton would look twice at him .
25 All that remains is for us to discuss and agree your particular account requirements .
26 All I did n't want to happen was for him to become violent , which I did n't think was ever on the cards .
27 Even after I mean , as I say , we went out on the Wednesday and he said , all I need is for you to do this book again for me .
28 The only thing I can say is for them to lay down their arms and stop it right now .
29 I finally said the only thing I damn well wanted was for them to leave so I could get to the hospital .
30 All she wanted was for him to leave and take his tantalising , lying promises away with him .
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