Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] when [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So my answer to the question A is , I am not against a new settlement , of the right scale in the right location , but it is not a panacea , it is not an answer to all the questions , now it 's being offered in terms of a balanced strategy , I say that balanced strategy as put forward does not work , certainly beyond two thousand and six , and may grind to a halt well before two thousand and six if rates of development proceed er as they have done in certain years in the past , so it 's very important to look at that , can we just revisit the public acceptance of the new settlement , of course the public have accepted it and welcomed it , it has certain attractions , I support those attractions , however it 's easy for the public to accept that when measured against certain sites specific proposals that were put to them when they did not know where the new settlement would be , and still do not know , when new settlement locations are put forward it will be quite a different scenario .
2 Uta Maier-Maercker and Wolfgang Koch , of the Centre for Botanical Research in Munich , studied spruce trees and found that when exposed to ozone their stomata , the pores on the leaves through which water evaporates , did not open or close as efficiently as those of unexposed trees .
3 As an aside the company announced that when running on an ES/9000 running other appropriately ‘ trusted ’ software , the new VTAM 3.4.2 has been designed to meet the US Department of Defense 's B1 security rating .
4 The local doctors believed that when undertaken by the child 's mother it could have positive effects but fundamentalists like the magistrate insisted that any such teaching was morally wrong .
5 MAS should ensure that when acting for the vendor the contents of the Information memorandum and any other correspondence , it and the rest of KADVISERG may have had with the purchaser is disclosed in the contract .
6 Lymphogranuloma venereum , once not uncommon in parts of Europe , notably Finland , Romania , and Spain , is now rarely seen except when imported from West Africa , the Caribbean , or South America .
7 Many London families went ‘ hopping ’ in the summer months ; Margaret Wynne Nevinson recalled that when working as a rent collector ( with Beatrice Webb ) for the Dwellings Improvement Company in the East End , she found many flats empty in August and September for this reason .
8 It is said that when travelling by boat the Duchess of Windsor sent to the bridge for hourly weather reports to be sure that she was appropriately clad .
9 He noticed that when viewed with a camera obscura the image of the sun was too large but this enlargement was not explained by existing theory .
10 ‘ Binge ’ diary Week 1 Decided to give up vomiting ; binged three times 2–3 Noticed that when stressed by children she turned to food and binged 4–5 Binged only once each week 6–7 Returned home and observed how she wanted to please her parents 8–9 On holiday , eating three meals a day — discovered she did not put on weight .
11 Theodora could n't help feeling , as she had felt before when dealing with Gilbert , that he was being disingenuous .
12 Just under half the arable area was grazed and when added to the permanent grass area this made a total of 5,700 ha .
13 However , the case of R v South Glamorgan Appeals Committee ex parte Evans ( 1984 ) showed that when looking at individual claims for a school place , it was necessary for an appeal committee to determine first whether the admission of one further child would prejudice efficient education at the school ( with the onus on the LEA to show that it would ) : if they concluded that it would not , they would have to allow the appeal .
14 Predation experiments showed that when presented with a school of fry of mixed sizes , predators ate smaller fry more often than larger fry .
15 Close inspection of the data showed that the context effects were due to inhibition : when preceded by an anomalous context , words took an average of 110 milliseconds longer to identify than when preceded by a row of Xs .
16 This may be difficult when the warren is very large and a corresponding number of purse nets is needed but when working on burrow systems , rather than on the much larger warrens , twenty nets are often sufficient .
17 With the application of these conditions it is possible to conclude that when operating at capacity , in Ipswich the project saved £432 per week in institutional costs ( or £22,464 per annum ) and in Newham £460 per week ( or £23,920 per annum ) .
18 It would suggest that when faced with a choice between a case which rests on constitutional theories about limited government derived from a ‘ higher law ’ which controlled what government could legitimately do , and a case which rested on actual practices of government bolstered by actual law , the jury preferred the theory of what the constitution ought to be to the practice of what it is .
19 The abduction and murder of 2 year old , James Bulger , she says , underlines the importance , whenever possible , of not letting youngsters out of your sight and ensuring they know that when confronted by a stranger they 're allowed to scream and shout as loud as they like .
20 At the same time , the editor fails to remark that when dealing with military servomechanisms , you can speak of the future position of the gun and compare that with ‘ future ’ human purposes .
21 However they point out that most of the recent studies in Britain indicate that when linked to pre-course qualifications maturity is likely to be an advantage in Arts and Social Science subjects .
22 Remember that when knitting with the lili buttons , it is important to have an EVEN number of needles in work , otherwise the lili buttons will select the same needles every row and the result will be a mess and a jam .
23 Note that when listing by latest version , the actual version number in the package selection is used to list contained packages .
24 Mr Harris said Newton was arrested and when interviewed by police claimed that the tackle could have broken his legs .
25 The ‘ invisible hand ’ of market forces will mean that when faced with such a conflict , a financial intermediary will handle that situation in a scrupulously fair way ; for the market will impose such a discipline .
26 He asserts that when faced with paying higher prices ( and significantly higher prices ) for the precise product specification consumers are supposed to want , those consumers will opt for the low-priced goods .
27 These important rights mean that the safety representatives must be consulted by the employer well before action is taken and when combined with the existing functions of safety representatives , they provide extensive rights to organize around health and safety at the workplace .
28 Palmer ( 1988 : 199 ) proposes that when followed by the to infinitive , verbs of perception function as verbs of reporting , so that He saw the children to be eating their lunch means " He reported the children to be eating their lunch " .
29 These were not in general obtained except when noted from scanning newspapers or when highlighted by the online services .
30 His flute-playing , the vast quantity of bad French poetry he wrote , his friendship with Voltaire ( carefully advertised but when put to the test no more than skin deep ) impressed many contemporaries and have impressed some historians .
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