Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Never mind , ’ called McAllister , ‘ needs must … ’ and wobbled down Vetch Street , praying that she arrived at her destination in one piece , the balance of the wretched thing being all wrong , especially with the overloaded basket at the front .
2 Did you know that she dealt in stolen goods , arranged thefts and then fenced the goods , did you know she arranged insurance for many of the smaller shopkeepers — her kind of insurance ?
3 So he 'll be glad to know that she thought about him and wanted him to know it . ’
4 Fabia saw no point in butting in to comment that she had in fact come very close to doing that very thing , and after a few moments ' pause Ven went on , ‘ I knew I 'd bruised your pride , but that had been necessary when my desire for you had threatened to blot out reason .
5 She was disconcerted to find that she walked into what was the main bedroom , dominated by a four-poster bed already turned down for the night .
6 He was somewhat consoled to find that she seemed to be genuinely interested .
7 Theda came to herself to find that she lay in a large four-poster bed , with the curtains drawn back , and the weak autumn sun coming in at the windows .
8 Going to Libya in 1988 , Jousiffe — her name is English , possibly of French origin and not Middle Eastern in spite of its sound — found that she suffered from the negative influence she had absorbed and thought : ‘ I wo n't enjoy this .
9 Some years later , when her health and strength failed her , she found that she had to ; but when that day came , she packed her courage as well as her clothes into her suitcase .
10 It was all but won and she felt at peace .
11 The woman 's high colour deepened and she fumbled with the up of wine .
12 She had the door open at the moment with these bloody dogs yapping and she looked at me and said I ca n't hear them !
13 Now then I do n't know if she talked to you
14 Alain came in without even knocking and she turned on him with furious hurt .
15 Her heavy lids lifted and she stared at him , bewildered , stunned by her own inexplicable reaction .
16 And then miraculously the weight of his body was lifted and she heard with overwhelming relief the deep , harsh tones of Luke 's voice .
17 During much of that time she had been moving constantly , school friends , teachers and happy times discarded until she felt like a fugitive .
18 Well as I say I went out and erm I thought , well Jill phoned and she said at the time my mum had got a boy that was sleeping rough down the sandpits .
19 By the time the medicine was ready the ferryman had materialised and she slumped with great relief on to the cross seat , wishing the crossing was a little longer .
20 A woman was driving and she parked beside our land-cruiser , nodding to us briefly as she stepped out onto the road and flung a series of questions at the Indian , half in Spanish and half in a more guttural tongue , which I took to be Quechua .
21 For instance , when Paris designated the wanton APHRODITE as the most beautiful of the goddesses , Hera 's morals were affronted and she arranged for the Trojan Wars to occur as just recrimination for the slight .
22 In his London flat there is only an old Roberts radio his mother owned until she died in 1973 , aged more than ninety .
23 The light deepened till she looked like a ballerina in a green glass bottle .
24 Should I lay them on the doorstep and vamoose before she responded to the bell ?
25 And I 'm not sure , I ca n't remember which , I do n't know whether she started on the bottom or the bottom I 've a feeling she may be did n't start on the bottom actually
26 This bitch was also mated before she came into quarantine in this country , where she produced a large litter of ten .
27 The allegation had been spoken so quietly that he doubted whether she had in fact heard it .
28 She always felt unnerved when she researched at the august Victoria and Albert Museum and became only too conscious of her lack of formal training .
29 His gentleness was fake , she knew that now , his face distorted as she looked at him .
30 Her brows rose as she glared at him .
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