Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] they [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Some relationships have already split up before girls realise that their periods have stopped or they feel a bit sick , and they discover they are well and truly pregnant .
2 Last night there was more evidence of the couple 's unhappiness when it was disclosed that they had a furious row at Balmoral shortly before the ‘ love tapes ’ were published .
3 If it is a public demonstration suggest that they wear a suitably neat outfit such as a track suit .
4 Recent studies on some ASFV mRNAs suggest that they start a short distance ( less than a 100 bp ) upstream of the corresponding ORF ( 30-32 ) , and that they end at runs of seven or more consecutive thymidylate residues ( 7T motif ; 30 , 31 ) .
5 But we do know that they reached a high , technology-free civilization , practised a sophisticated form of navigation , and ranged over the entire Pacific in ocean-going outriggers .
6 Whether or not he was a sound thinker , on which they could disagree , no one could doubt that they had a professor who loved his subject ; he bubbled with it .
7 Lily said , ‘ No , we can get Miss Bradshaw 's signature any time we want it ’ , and Vernon shouted that they had a perfect right to loiter on a public pavement .
8 The Secretary of State and his Ministers do not like to be reminded that they have a welfare role , but I must stress that the back payment of entitlement at issue tonight occurs under the National Insurance Act 1946 , a Social Security Act and the Supplementary Benefits Act 1976 which all state that DSS officers shall : ’ exercise their functions in such a manner as shall best promote the welfare of persons affected by the exercise of these functions . ’
9 Parents should be reminded that they have a responsibility and that they can be fined and required to pay compensation for acts committed by juveniles .
10 The current generation of devices has already established a growing acceptance of electronic media among information users and demonstrated that they have a choice in the way they get access to the resources they need .
11 I criticise them for refusing to accept that they made a mistake and for refusing to take any action to put matters right , when it was patently obvious that everything was going disastrously wrong .
12 Responsibility for those who deliver the education service requires people to feel and to know that they have a professional responsibility and can be trusted to discharge that .
13 I 've never measured how long they stay under water , but tourists walking along the path to the waterfall often report that they think a bird is drowning !
14 It is claimed that they have a working range of up to 15 feet ( 5 metres ) .
15 The euphoria of the immediate pre- and post-entry days has gone , and those who are concerned with Community law realise that they require a precise and detailed analysis of its rules .
16 The latter camp took heart yesterday from Mr Rocard 's insistence that any decision must be based on a consensus , but realise that they have a tough fight ahead persuading others of the logic of their arguments .
17 Many who hold the minority view accept that they must recognize the mind of the Church , just as the majority realise that they have a duty to respect the consciences of those who disagree .
18 Most teachers would agree with this statement and , indeed , say that they use a variety of approaches and methods in their work , suiting them to the needs of the individual learner and the stage that pupil has reached .
19 Many governments round the world say that they spend a lot of money on military equipment because they need to defend themselves against other countries that might try to take over their territory .
20 Some women who form a relationship with another woman in middle age say that they discover a new kind of fulfilment and a sense of equality with another person that they felt escaped them before .
21 Foxhunters say that they perform a valuable service , controlling the numbers of foxes , which can become pests .
22 Melanee does not have a fixed career pattern planned ahead , ( models acknowledge that they have a short shelflife ) .
23 She had chosen the hotel for its low prices rather than its almost non-existent amenities , so she was rather surprised to find that they had a maid at all .
24 What they had said was at the end of the war they aimed at a safe and lasting peace , and to obtain that they demanded a setting up of a League of Nations .
25 And so the Air Staff found that they had a vociferous and powerful industrial lobby in both Westminster and Whitehall to back their case for GOR 339 .
26 But Ramsey and Barth found that they shared a common sense of humour .
27 Economic historians used to interpret these as " uncultivated holdings " and inferred that they represented a total loss from the landlord 's standpoint .
28 seven o'clock , well I thought I 'd come a bit earlier forget that they want a tidy living room , they want to get the toys out of the way , they want to present themselves in the best possible light so they 'd be more forgiving if you 're late than if you 're too early to be on time .
29 Most LEAs reported that they had a curriculum policy or were developing one ; they consulted widely including with governing bodies ; they now recognised the importance of ‘ breadth ’ and ‘ balance ’ , and the need for relevance of the school curriculum to the world outside .
30 But the Swedes will qualify if they avoid a heavy defeat in their final game in Poland , on 24 October .
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