Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] he be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Legion wished to be a disciple but Jesus told him to remain where he was in his own district and tell all the people what … the Lord in his mercy has done for you ( Mark 5:19 ) .
2 I appeal to the Minister : the man should not be allowed to return to his unit ; he should remain where he is at this moment .
3 It was possible that recovery might be organised , and for that reason he would remain where he was at least until morning .
4 The man did n't have a long time to go through a process , he did n't have a long time to find where he was on on the scale , a and er , you know , from one stage to the next stage , to the next stage , to got through a pre-evangelism and then another stage , and another stage , the man did n't have time he was dying !
5 Afterwards in the Shoulder of Mutton ( Kneeton Park 1 Knayton 1 ) it transpired that he 's in what used to be known as Tin Pan Alley probably the only manager in the Hambleton Combination ( third division ) who 's also been a manager of the Bay City Rollers .
6 I can not resist retelling one of the anecdotes : in 1963 , at a party to congratulate Cotton on an award he had just received , Lipscomb told Cotton that while he was delighted by the choice , it should not be supposed that he was on the ‘ cottonpickin' ’ committee .
7 Thereafter the truly experienced Phillips-watcher will know that he is to be found in the corner of the studio conducting a vehement argument with himself on the subject of whatever he just did n't tell you , and will shortly be sending an assistant back to pick up his hat .
8 Equally , his brace against Manchester United in our last match of 1990–91 ( co-incidentally also his own 150th Palace appearance ) demonstrated that he was on the verge of international recognition , with the second one , struck from fully 30 yards , bringing the big crowd to its feet in salute .
9 While one can not always rely on Taskopruzade for precision in regard to dates , nor for that matter even in regard to the reigns in which various events occurred , as has been seen , it is hard to accept that he is in error by some twenty or twenty-five years , especially in a period close enough to his own to allow him access to people who had lived in that period .
10 It 's flattering after 15 years of marriage , to know that he 's in a lather of anticipation about undressing his wife .
11 Dramatic irony allows the reader to know that he is in fact the son of the ‘ Lost Prince ’ , and a lost prince himself , rather than , as he supposes , one of many Samavians of high birth long in exile .
12 The question of his knowing , or possibly failing to know that he is in the state he says he is in does not arise .
13 Thus his freedom to father children was subject to the law , even though he could not be allowed to know that he was under restriction .
14 She had forgotten that he was off duty until her vision cleared sufficiently for her to take in the fact that he was wearing a dark suit , the jacket unfastened to reveal a white shirt .
15 At this stage , the Prospect would be anxious to establish that he was under no obligation .
16 She backed away , setting the width of the desk between them as she tried to work out what to say , although she doubted that he was in the mood to listen .
17 Lately , Ockleton had heard it mentioned that he was on the staff of a Roman Catholic boarding school in the West Country .
18 The meeting was friendly and Albert went off to Brighton where he roundly denounced me and all my works — without revealing that he was without his customary hat which he had forgotten and was hanging safely on a hook in my hall .
19 He gave up looking and found that he was on his own .
20 Standing on the front seat , Eb felt a rivulet of ice-cold water run down the back of his neck , and found that he was underneath a leaking gutter .
21 If a stimulus is from P to C and the response from C to P , that is , the second individual accepts that he is in a child/parent relationship with the first , the transaction will continue .
22 Mr. Burgess answered : ‘ My main reason was I did not consider that he was of a sound disposal mind . ’
23 McLeish had rung his own flat to collect messages ; he could see Catherine just waking , and waved to her to indicate that he was on the phone .
24 Clarke drove on for a further 200 metres before stopping and when he did emerge from the van witnesses reported that he was in a confused state .
25 I was walking and he was with his mum and I looked up cos I know what his mum looks like and he was walking with his mum .
26 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke said of Mr Major : ‘ I am sure he will retain the leadership for many years to come and he is in the process of emerging from the Government 's present difficulties . ’
27 Legs up on the side , Doug looks like he is in childbirth .
28 Looks like he 's on Valium ’ , cracked one photographer .
29 Its inventor looks like he 's on a flying visit to the twentieth century .
30 ‘ Hullo , angel child ! ’ says a buxom blonde to a thin youth who looks like he 's in training to become a sales manager .
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