Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] he [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You did n't know that he acquired them through his wife who must have got them while she was housekeeper-companion to Mrs Armitage ? ’
2 He says it 's a bit far to come but he thinks they pay expenses , so it 's nice .
3 I do n't know whether he sent them back .
4 He stopped when he saw them and asked if they wanted to come with him .
5 The grant payable depended upon the number of children who could read , write , and do arithmetic to the satisfaction of the individual inspector , and therefore it was not unnatural that every effort was made by the managers of the school , to see that the inspectors ’ tastes in such other matters as food and drink were duly considered when he visited them .
6 Maybe she would think that he wanted them .
7 Phalangist officers of the time insist that he told them to kill 40 Muslims in reprisal .
8 He says that he hopes they 've been able to reasure the people living nearby , and that the travellers will now quietly leave .
9 He says that he thinks they can all work together to promote each others farm attractions .
10 I hope that he learns them well , because he will need to deploy them for a long time .
11 He reminded them of all the things that he 'd said and done and he prepared them for their mission in the world .
12 He liked gentlemen to behave as he expected them to behave .
13 But his hands were trembling as he put them back in his pockets , and a thick feeling rose up in his throat whenever he thought of Helen , which seemed to be nearly all the time .
14 ‘ Well , the rich merchant was very powerful , and he came to control things in the city , and he made everybody do as he thought they ought to do ; snowball-throwing was made illegal , and children had to eat up all their food .
15 Everything in his relation to his slaves shows that he treats them as more or less human — his humiliations of them , his disappointments , his jealousies , his fears , his punishments , his attachments .
16 First , the Athenians who were dismissed from Ithome for ‘ subversive tendencies ’ were not the Athenians who were at that moment overturning the Areopagus but precisely Kimon and ‘ his ’ hoplites ( but we have no right to assume that he chose them personally ; four thousand are a lot of people to know by name ) .
17 that 's where they 're going cos he said they he 's not actually for the itself
18 He said there was so much stuff up there I could n't reel off what they 've got because he said they got everything .
19 Other women at the city council office where he worked hid when he chased them with a syringe filled with water , it was claimed yesterday .
20 He frowned when he saw them .
21 The memoirs are extremely detailed , yet Hickey states that he wrote them almost entirely from memory , having only a few documents available to him and those mostly from his later years .
22 He stiffened when he saw them and Devlin said cheerfully , ‘ Very pretty , son , but it looks to me as if someone 's been spoiling your good looks . ’
23 On July 3 Brooke refused to describe the talks as having broken down , saying that he hoped they could be revived in the autumn .
24 we used to go every year be go round to erm for a bonfire but the old boy was saying that he said they ca n't afford it next year .
25 You note that he resented them , where them is plural , and you may consider what plural entity may be both resented and worn ( or not worn ) .
26 The young man and the girl did not see him coming and he caught them both around their legs and knocked them onto the floor .
27 Summers is assiduous in research , but less interested in politics ; there are sides of Hoover 's story whose ordinariness he misses because he finds them so shocking .
28 The way his hands tremble as he carries them into dinner is nothing short of alarming .
29 Wants you to be — ’ Nutty paused , not quite sure what he wanted them to be , but knowing that he wanted them to be something other than they were .
30 I doubt that he sent them back .
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