Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] i was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How did you know that I was still in the office ? ’ she asked carelessly .
2 I sat down and began switching my tail from side to side to let her know that I was constantly alert and maybe a little unpredictable .
3 Right , I was subject to a , an assault that was quite frightening erm in that I was working in a shop on my own and er someone came into the shop and locked the door behind me and tried er to pull me down towards the back of the shop and er apart from being very frightened I find it difficult to accept that I was just an innocent victim , I kept making excuses that this person who did it to me did n't mean to frighten me he , only could n't communicate that he , he , he said it eventually when I managed to fight him off he said , I just wanted to give you a kiss and er I find it very difficult and I had to be forced to go to the police erm to tell them about this because I thought you know its just a misunderstanding and , but it was terrifying
4 I never intended anyone to know that I was here except Marguerite . ’
5 He affected not to know that I was terribly poor .
6 Have you forgotten that I was once their mother 's maid ? ’
7 I mentioned this to no one for two practical reasons : one was that I loathed swimming , and if I pretended that I was still menstruating , signing the little red book every four weeks , I should be able to evade an unpleasant experience for at least one week out of four ; the other was that I feared further reprisals might be taken against me .
8 Looking at the event dispassionately , I realise that I was probably chosen because the film had to be ‘ in the can ’ ( a technical term we film people use for ‘ finished ’ ) by the end of February .
9 I now realise that I was really teaching social passivity and conformity , academic snobbery and the naturalness of good healthy competition , and that I was using maths as an instrument for achieving these things .
10 so erm er I ca n't guarantee that I was totally compos mentis when I read it but er I 'm
11 When I arrived at the GA European Open , I looked at the list of entrants for the Lancome Trophy to find that I was right at the bottom of the list of qualifiers with one week to go before the final selection .
12 I withdrew to my cabin , to find that I was just in time for a repeat episode of Garry Garrison , Para-space Pilot .
13 I woke up in the middle of the night to find that I was completely and utterly saturated .
14 When I first saw her again I was surprised to find that I was now a little taller than Daphne but that she had lost almost as much weight as I had .
15 When we were reading it I found that I was just reading it as a book and the and that all the coming about you forget who 's in , who 's there and who 's not there .
16 I found that I was mostly focused on the leader 's chest , where the blue cloth was more taut , stretched by the magnificent swelling mounds beneath it .
17 On returning from Spring Harvest ( and back to work ) I found that I was constantly thinking about God , Jesus , being a Christian .
18 It was so fascinating to observe that I was very sorry when the party broke up , and even more so when Margaret did not ask her old pal Richard to stay on for supper with us after the Rolls drove away .
19 I — I do n't know if I was ever so pleased … not only with the presents , but with the kind thoughts of our neighbours .
20 Not a lot was happening and I was really tired so I decided to go to bed .
21 As I climbed , so the cloud lifted and I was soon able to shed my waterproofs .
22 There are so many versions of it already , and now does n't seem the right time to do it — I think I would rather wait until I was more established , and have something different to say about it . ’
23 The race itself was very well organised but I was absolutely amazed at the way in which the winning women were treated in comparison to the winning men during the prize giving ceremony later on .
24 I do n't really know because I was never at the pier when when a
25 Preparations for departure filled our thoughts and days : arrangements for Shanti to look after our correspondence for us and deal with our finances ; saying goodbye to friends ; making a list of unanswered letters to write while I was away ; contingency plans for situations likely and unlikely .
26 They would have found me a bed , but it was not in the bargain that I should linger after I was no longer needed .
27 The absent members will not know whether I was there or not !
28 I tried when I was about 18 , 19 .
29 Then , I do n't know how many years we had down the street , but we moved when I was about six years old up the street near the church .
30 I fell in love with snooker when I was about fourteen , but when I got to about sixteen or seventeen , I started travelling around and playing in junior competitions and realized that I was very good .
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