Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] in [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and she was from the Pentiford area I think , erm oh quite a well educated girl , erm there was nothing to stop them from joining , I mean the London Fire Brigade there are , are fire fighters who are girls , erm and the er they do very well erm there are problems of course , with , with women on fire stations , but nevertheless there 's no reason why they should n't be there , providing they can do the job and I 'm sure those who read the papers and see the news know that in Russia and places like that , women do the , do the job very well .
2 because we 're gon na have to know that in advance because the describers have to be asked if they will be will they be able to travel ?
3 It 's to know that in advance because I think they then have a practical contribution to make .
4 Where the decline of British engineering has diminished the industrial base and opened a black hole in the trade balance , the growth of German engineering output , matching that in Japan and America , has helped create a near impregnable manufacturing trade surplus .
5 Well sorry , I , I just mentioned that in passing but
6 It has been reported that in Canada and the USA literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants .
7 I know I told you not to write except in emergency but I did n't mean it .
8 erm we I mean we , we , we 've looked at the , the peasant tenant relationship erm and my , my opinion is that basically you know it was n't quite as bad as everyone 's made out erm but al okay we 're saying that warlords were , were very imperialistic and they were a huge fact to be considered but in Hunan and within the south erm eastern region say
9 For example , in southern Macedonia , within easy reach of the port of Salonika , the çiftlik system was more fully developed than in Bosnia and Serbia .
10 No , and I did n't do that until I read someone Niall 's and he had repeated flowers and I thought why has he repeated flowers and realised that in fact that it is necessary .
11 The way people talk over here is pure poetry and nobody is really using that in songs so I thought I 'd have a go . ’
12 The numbers show that in Africa and in Latin America , excluding Chile , only about 17 per cent of targets for privatisation had actually been sold and in Asia only about 30 per cent .
13 Perhaps all one can really say about layout , in this sense , is that you have to remember that in Europe and America we read from left to right and top to bottom , in that order .
14 Professional staff and institutional workers are exploited whether in government or private institutions .
15 She scuffed up to the altar in her carpet slippers , and stood next to Clare , with the ill-tempered , tight-lipped expression she always adopted when in church or in the presence of the clergy .
16 Fig. 2 shows the polypeptide pattern of various mutant RAP74s prepared as in Materials and Methods .
17 The applicants in the main proceedings observed in limine that ( a ) 36 of their 95 fishing vessels were part of the United Kingdom fleet during the period 1973 to 1978 ( the reference period for the allocation of the quotas which were introduced in January 1983 ) ; ( b ) 85 of those 95 vessels were registered and in use as British fishing vessels by January 1983 , and ( c ) of those 85 vessels , 42 had always been British flag vessels and 43 were ex-Spanish flag boats which had transferred to the British flag before 1983 .
18 You 're sweating and nervous and you know you 're out on a limb here , you 're in the process of taking some terrible risks and the luck , the flow that comes from being justified and in tune and not taking too much for granted , not being contemptuous or disrespectful of fate ; all that 's in danger here because you 're pushing the envelope , you 're maybe relying on one or two too many things going perfectly .
19 It shows that in England and Wales the lowest income groups paid 8.1 per cent of household income in rates , whereas the highest income group paid under 2 per cent .
20 The report also stated that in countries where there was an armed opposition government troops were often given extensive powers and not held accountable to civilian legal authorities for their actions .
21 Photographs and recollections confirm that in features and colouring he resembled his mother .
22 Equally , he had a peasant cross , made of embroidered material , hanging on the wall of his bedroom there ; he had bought that in Bulawayo when there with a visiting company in 1953 .
23 The evidence given to the Select Committee showed that in Norway and Belgium it was the practice to keep in solitary confinement prisoners ( whether sentenced for murder or for other crimes ) who had not a criminal record , but this method was adopted for reformative purposes and for protecting such prisoners from contamination by other prisoners .
24 While NATO must maintain for the foreseeable future a mix of nuclear and conventional forces in Europe , the declaration reaffirmed that no weapons would ever be used except in self-defence and that the lowest and most stable level of nuclear forces to prevent war was sought .
25 Researchers using the Luxembourg Income Study microdata have shown that in Sweden and West Germany lone parent family incomes approximate the income of couple-headed families on a per capita basis .
26 Similarly , 10a can be normalised as in b or c :
27 Anne thought Helen was right and Maureen said that she had been told when in hospital that patients often had remission in the disease their mother suffered .
28 Ludens , who had been watching this face attentively for some time , could now however read in it signs of care , a wrinkling of the brow , not marked exactly in any lines of flesh but as a cloud poised , the mouth and eyes narrowing as in thought or pain , the hints of a perhaps imminent older face .
29 My whole understanding of the human world requires that in thought and imagination I am constantly shifting between and responding from different viewpoints , here or there , remembered or anticipated , individual or collective , my own or someone else 's , hypothetical , fictional , or simply indefinite ; it is only in action that I have to settle in a present viewpoint , whether personal ( ‘ I ’ ) or social ( ‘ We ’ ) .
30 Oh I mean , I know that in America and all the different cities have their own logos
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