Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [that] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The consensus of modern liberal thinking has been that it does not ; it has preferred to stress the " inherently pluralistic and diverse " nature of modern societies , and the consequent need to reach a consensus or compromise among the various competing interests and groups within society .
2 But the most important flaw in the instruction has been that it has been too often divorced from the classroom itself and from the active involvement of the teacher .
3 According to Carl Chilley , principal business services consultant , the problem with distributed computing has been that it has encouraged the development of technology for technology 's sake , without real thought as to how to implement it effectively in a business environment .
4 This proved to be a fateful oversight since one of the most devastating criticisms to be levelled at Keynesian macroeconomics in recent years has been that it has such shaky foundations in microeconomics .
5 For the Governor , though , the main benefit has been that it gives prison officers ‘ permission to be concerned ’ in a structured and consistent way .
6 A disadvantage of team teaching , of course , has been that it required the teacher , normally an individualistic person accustomed to complete authority within the four walls of his classroom , to sink his authority and his subject speciality within a group .
7 One of the criticisms levelled at the board has been that it fails to consult properly or listen to objections to proposals .
8 An interesting additional finding which is stressed is that it appears that such people are more rather than less likely to exhibit qualities of psychological balance and social responsibility .
9 All I do know is that it seems someone here does believe that they still have an influence . ’
10 What you do know is that it has caused you considerable hurt and pain .
11 One reason why chalcedony has been so highly esteemed is that it lends itself to a variety of decorative treatments .
12 What happens is that it falls apart , its rib-cage falling away and the limbs dropping from their sockets .
13 Alright , logging the data does n't change the nature of the data , what it does do is that it re-scales the data , okay so the only thing that 's , that 's , that 's changed by logging , right , is the scale of the cr is the vertical scale on the graph , right , but essentially we are still trying to model the same series and N T C is essentially the same series as T C.
14 The only sense in which the legislature can be properly said to have authorised these things to be done is that it has enabled the Poor Law Board to order , and the managers to do them , if , and when , and where , they can obtain by free bargain and contract the means of doing so .
15 The most likely explanation of anting is that it helps birds like the European jay to keep their feathers in good condition .
16 The reason as we have seen is that it succeeds in employing more information than any alternative system .
17 The main advantage of forfaiting is that it offers 100% finance .
18 The important thing to remember is that it does n't matter in the slightest what this garment looks like , as long as it boasts practicality and water-resistant qualitites .
19 Then Arthur Miller added : ‘ The thing to remember is that it has not gone away for ever . ’
20 ‘ Well , the first thing I noticed is that it omits the date of birth .
21 So , it was in the ordinary conduct of party politics by men in pursuit of power that expectations , aspirations and objectives were reduced to an apparent simplicity , to a crudity of choice for which all that could be said was that it represented the national will .
22 Erm in t the second most important criterion I would have thought is that it needs to be on a public transport corridor .
23 All I can remember is that it had nothing to do with his feet .
24 ‘ The thing about directing is that it depends on how you read a play .
25 But what the tār does n't realize is that it makes a perfect target for a gun , stuck up there with its pale fur as clearly visible against the dark rock as the moon is in the sky at night . ’
26 The second reason why playing the numbers game with female and male psychologists does not work is that it involves equating women with feminists .
27 ‘ And if you pick one of these creatures up and place it a little distance away on the surface of the water , all its fellows will see is that it vanished , and reappeared elsewhere .
28 So all she could report was that it seemed dark and cruiser-shaped .
29 What Labour could hardly claim was that it had a magic formula for preserving peace with the unions , although the St Valentine 's Day ‘ concordat ’ with the unions was milked for what it was worth .
30 ‘ All I know is that it cost me a lot of money to learn . ’
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