Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [that] when [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This spreadsheet is to be used to keep weekly scores for 16 boys and the problem it posed is that when you want to type in scores for weeks in the second half of the year or for Harry , Ian and John and so on whose names are entered to the right of the spreadsheet , you can no longer see the row and column labels — unless you freeze these titles .
2 The big fear that all humankind has is that when you die , that 's the end of it .
3 The first thing you need to know is that when they need to wear armour .
4 ‘ What I 'd like you to know is that when it was all over and Peter was back from America , the grave-diggers were down here on their bended knees begging him for forgiveness because they knew it was a nasty business and said had they known at the time they 'd have had nothing to do with it . ’
5 ‘ All I do know is that when we were on the way here he was asking me a great many questions about what went on in the village .
6 What happens is that when you follow a strict diet , your body will adjust itself to the sudden reduction in the amount of calories you eat by simply slowing down your metabolism .
7 The other thing to remember is that when you are caught in that fearful quiet , that sense of the hopelessness of ever writing again , then any commission , any writing task set by another person , is a lifesaver .
8 so he goes oh what the hell and they shovel tea down him and erm he starts throwing up and , what happened is that when he , when he gets like cut down they ta take him back to the room and they put them in their boxer shorts just sitting there and they 've wired up a mouse trap to like their their
9 For example if you 've got between thirteen and twenty for an activist that 's a very strong preference , however for a reflector a very strong preference is eighteen to twenty , because by nature most of us tend , you know most of us tend to stand back and think so what we actually need , what we wh what we can see is that when we compare our scores against the general norms it 's a much more accurate picture of our learning style .
10 The position we have reached is that when it is said that the sea appears to a viewer to be uniformly blue this is neither a statement about what Reid calls the ‘ visible appearance ’ of the sea , nor straightforwardly a statement about the viewer 's opinion .
11 All I know is that when I went out this morning I found the poor little thing , run over .
12 ‘ All I know is that when I reached the house Barak was dead .
13 ‘ All I know is that when I entered the house someone coshed me .
14 What was not understood was that when you sweep away a feudal society , you do not overnight change the institutions or the casts of thought that have been built up over centuries .
15 But what you 're saying is that when you accelerate — when you go faster and faster in an upwards direction — as you did coming out of that big drop — it 's like adding extra gravity .
16 And what will happen is that when you finish with your merit paper and you 're happy just leave it where it is .
17 What that means is that when you 're facing up to foreign situations , you tend to pull together you tend not to divide you tend not to emphasise the differences between you .
18 I know , but what I mean is that when they see the city centre , the people who are walking up and down the city centre , they see all the national charities , they do n't necessarily feel that they 're organised in the same way and therefore that they should be participating , and the whole palaver of getting a licence and applying is actually quite difficult , it 's not a simple , it 's not something , we get numerous telephone calls in the office saying ‘ Well can I go out next Saturday and rattle a tin for such-and-such ’ , and you say ‘ Well , you ca n't ’ , and it 's left much too late , so that people do n't know about the way you get licenses to rattle tins in city centre .
19 The real trouble with old Tom had been that when he came into contact with the evil mind , the scheming , devious , manipulative mind of some murderers , he could not bear it .
20 I mean the question that has to be faced is that when you talk about cutting the costs in local government you also have to talk about the services which councils deliver , and you ca n't get something for nothing .
21 And I suppose what I was thinking was that when he 's worked till five or six he was doing it every day , but he has n't .
22 What I wanted to say was that when I read the Annual Report I was rather surprised to find that there is no reference to the er report of the committee under the chairmanship of Bob , Bob on the organization of the R Y A and then I realized that it probably did n't come to the Council till after the end of the year that we have under consideration but it did seem to me that it has some contentious and some very interesting and rather good points in it and I wonder if we could be told how the consideration of it is getting on .
23 ‘ All I can say is that when we brought in the Wheel yesterday there was no sign of the Scapegoat . ’
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