Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [verb] that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It has been recognised that maybe the proposals are too extreme , particularly in respect of the infantry , ’ says one informed source .
2 From such studies ( Just and Carpenter , 1987 ) it has been determined that only about 65% of the words in a passage are fixated — substantial proof of the importance of higher level processing .
3 On the semantic level , thirdly , it has been observed that even though infinitives have no endings for person or number , they do have " a reference to some subject … ; though their grammatical dependence connects them frequently with some other term " ( Brown 1884 : 337 ) .
4 In Britain alone , it has been calculated that about 200,000 people may be bitten by dogs each year .
5 Again , it has been demonstrated that even quite low levels of lead interfere with body processes .
6 Indeed , many trees that look as though they might be adapted to wind pollination are known to be pollinated by insects — like Mallotus oppositifolius ( Euphorbiaceae ) in West Africa , which has an attractive sweet scent — and it has been suspected that even forest grasses are animal pollinated .
7 The case at Water Newton is rather less certain , but it has been argued that either one of the two large buildings visible at the centre of the defended area served as an administrative centre for the Fens , or that this function was performed by the remarkable complex identified at Castor to the north-east of the town 's extramural suburbs .
8 It has been argued that very few electors usually read them and that many of the commitments made do not enjoy widespread support among voters , even among those voting for the parties that issued them .
9 The sufferer from alcoholism is so frequently involved in traffic offences that it has been said that just two drink-driving offences are a strong indication of alcoholism .
10 Nevertheless , it has been said that virtually all the extinctions of the last million years or so can be blamed , with fair confidence , on the intelligence ( or lack of it ) of Homo sapiens .
11 Particularly as it has been discovered that about 30% of men who die from other causes are also found to have had prostate cancer . ’
12 For example , it has been suggested that constitutively activated PKC is involved because H-7 , which inhibits the activity of the catalytic subunit , but not sphingosine , which prevents the initial activation of PKC , can depotentiate synapses in a reversible manner even when applied up to 3h after induction .
13 It would seem that on the basis of recent research in the U.S.A. the answer would be ‘ no ’ as it has been suggested that even a panel of eight is too small to obtain consistent and reliable results .
14 In the case of credit , it has been suggested that even if barely one in three consumers is aware of credit costs , and even if only a few of them use the information to shop around actively , lenders might compete with lower rates as a result .
15 It has been suggested that instead of the usual raffle we invite people to make a donation to the Amsterdam fund using a printed card .
16 It has been suggested that rather than rely on plantation , natural regeneration should be encouraged by clearing 200m swathes through the forest .
17 It has been suggested that perhaps a Fairey Overdrive would give more flexibility between gears .
18 However , it has been suggested that often ‘ parents may legitimately be regarded as the child 's representatives in what is a conflict between the family and the state ’ .
19 It has been suggested that now that unions ( and not merely officials ) may in certain circumstances be liable in damages for unlawful industrial action it is more likely that an employer will pursue his claim to a full trial and there is less reason to refuse an interlocutory injunction in trade dispute cases ; but it has also been said that the ‘ right to strike ’ is a valuable ( indeed essential ) element in the system of collective bargaining and that it ‘ should not be rendered less valuable than Parliament intended by too fanciful or ingenious a view of what might develop into a serious issue to be tried . ’
20 Moreover , it has been suggested that only a short period of desaturation — perhaps as little as 30 minutes during a 24 hour period — may be all that is necessary to prevent cholesterol crystal nucleation from bile .
21 … It has been held that even if a court , having full discretion in the matter of the costs of any proceeding , deals in its order with such costs , a party can still enforce an antecedent agreement in relation thereto inconsistent with the court 's order : Mansfield v. Robinson .
22 To resist an arrest might also involve an obstruction and an assault , although it has been held that merely pulling away from another is not an assault for the purposes of the offence of assault with intent to resist an arrest .
23 In two modern cases , however , it has been held that so long as the donor has done all he needs to do , the beneficial interest passes from him to the donee .
24 In one of the most outspoken statements ever made by a Metropolitan Police officer of his rank , he says : ‘ The council has been ensuring that as many cases as possible are referred to the SMG , a pernicious organisation spewing out lies and propaganda in pursuance of their own ideological aims .
25 It has been proved that even a short stay helps not only the carers , but the patients , who greatly benefit from a change of scenery and the use of the many facilities we have here . ’
26 Historically , the minimum subscription Association 's affiliated organizations and clubs has been set that twice the personal member 's subscription and after a period of two years ' grace it 's the Council 's wish that this balance is re-established so that the relativity returns to that which existed prior to the increase in subscriptions that was proposed at the A G M in nineteen ninety one .
27 It has been shown that only physiological concentrations of insulin c. 30–40 μ U/ml are required for such an effect ( De Fronzo , 1981 ) .
28 However , for these proteins it has been shown that only one ( or a few ) copies are functional genes and the remaining copies are processed pseudogenes ( 6 ) .
29 It has been shown that more than one third of all new businesses cease trading within two or three years of start up and the vast majority of those remaining in business are small throughout their economic life .
30 It has been shown that about 100 of the 600 members elected to Parliament become involved in specific government jobs .
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