Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [prep] little [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But one may also say , from the fact that this has needed to be discussed — and from the fact that , as I say , throughout the greater part of Christendom women have not been ordained — it would be difficult to argue that the fact that this religion has had at its centre a male figure has been of little significance .
2 But staff here agree the assessment has been of little value .
3 However , it seems plausible that this source of energy has been of little importance in the past because Jupiter is so very massive that it probably formed very hot , though Jupiter may now be sufficiently cool for helium separation to have recently become significant , or for it to become significant in the relatively near future .
4 But size and numbers of fish caught are of little importance at Scourie .
5 Such faults as can be detected are of little consequence to the average kite-maker .
6 By the late 1920s cattle stealing was of little concern to the authorities , but it underwent a revival with the onset of the depression , and received further impetus in 1936 when various regulations designed to control the movement and sale of cattle were lifted .
7 ‘ The brilliant inventiveness of the engineers and scientists … would have been of little avail if this strong industrial base had not existed . ’
8 In our view , routine casework unsupported by an active programme of service development would have been of little value and would probably have degenerated into a frustrating cycle of ‘ patch and mend ’ crisis management .
9 It would have been of little comfort to investors to learn that Chairman John Wheeler had , according to former business colleagues , been living a luxury lifestyle , spending almost £70,000 on refitting his yacht , and thousands of pounds renovating his six-bedroom house .
10 Sending your customers broke is of little help to anyone .
11 Hafez al-Assad , the President of Syria and the long-term adversary of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein , quickly let it be known that he would not attend a summit in Baghdad , and the ensuing efforts of some Arab leaders to persuade Assad to attend were of little use .
12 Therefore , spreads are of little importance for index futures , and this may explain why there have been only three empirical studies of the pricing of spreads in index futures .
13 But such links remained tentative and seem to have been of little relevance to policy development even if the symbolism was important .
14 At least one senior member , who for a time was delegated the task of convening its meetings , considered the panel to have been of little relevance in the first year or so : because the books were not on the shelves , so there was n't a great need for finding ways of stimulating the use of this material .
15 Attempts by " several gentlemen " to end these customs had been of little avail for a complaint of a very similar kind was still being made a century later .
16 Of course , the information they glean is of little value if the Goblin is pulverised as he impacts with the ground .
17 Calls for innovation and for productivity related ‘ intensive ’ growth have been to little avail .
18 On each occasion the items stolen have been of little value , but the thefts are a continual thorn in the side of the cricket club committee .
19 ( The linear order chosen is of little consequence , provided it is expressible in the language .
20 Your ability to write and argue is of little avail if you get your facts wrong , fail to find the relevant authorities , rely on a statute that has been superseded or a case that has been overruled , or simply misunderstand the authorities .
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