Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [prep] [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 Mr Harris has been on California 's death row for 11 years and has appealed under habeas corpus eight times .
2 I like the idea of strach cos he s a winner ( does nt like losing ) , has respect from players , has top experience … and has been at Wilko 's side throughout the last 3–4 years .
3 Nonetheless , implementation independence has had a powerful effect on AI thinking about metaphysical problems , and has been behind McCarthy 's insistence that AI must be defined as the study of intelligent mechanisms independent of their implementation in machines or brains , and hence to a general denial that AI is , in any strong sense , about machines .
4 In this respect , it has been like Frank 's own career since The Americans .
5 This latter work has been by Boehm 's team of physicists from Caltech , the Technical University of Munich , the Institute for Nuclear Science at Grenoble and the Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research at Villigen .
6 And what about ‘ Butter has been in man 's diet for thousands of years , so you can have confidence in it ’ ?
7 Helen did n't help herself or increase the possibility of peace on earth by saying she 'd been at Dad 's Chislehurst gig .
8 ‘ A few days later he told me that he 'd been to Cintra 's with her .
9 Course , I 'd been to Cecille 's , half a crown for an hour .
10 I found some brandy and it steadied him a bit … and then he told me he 'd been to Angy 's flat and found her dead . ’
11 I 'd have told him all about the breastfeeding and bonding if the Morrisons had n't chosen that moment to arrive on the doorstep with Christopher and Katy who 'd been to Bertelli 's for their weekly dose of colourings , preservatives and sugar .
12 She had been clinging when she 'd been in Ven 's arms , she had to admit that , but then — she loved him .
13 If I 'd been in Bill 's position I , or if we 'd had been in Bill 's position , we 'd have done the same as well .
14 She 'd been in Egypt 's capital Cairo and , along with seven other tourists , was travelling in a bus from to Assiut , a stronghold of the muslim fundamentalist group .
15 The obvious way of approaching those moments in which this occurs is via Lawrence 's astonishing description of intense , concealed homosexual desire in the suppressed prologue to Women in Love :
16 In the past 100 years , the only time it was defeated was in Mussolini 's reign , which accounts for the popularity among older Neapolitans , sick of living with Mafioso , for his granddaughter .
17 If I 'd been in Bill 's position I , or if we 'd had been in Bill 's position , we 'd have done the same as well .
18 He used to be next door to Ryan 's Son , but now Hopscotch is in Ryan 's old stable .
19 Another outing we enjoyed was to Mayell 's Chocolate Factory , where for $2 you can tour the factory and eat as many of the products as you want .
20 ‘ I tried to think who might have been to Edouard 's flat .
21 She could have been at Lisa 's house , laughing .
22 Hindley Earnshaw should have been at Catherine 's burial yesterday , but he had been drinking so much that he could n't go .
23 But then I put two pounds , which should have been off Linda 's .
24 The island and its neighbour Warbah have been claimed by Iraq in the past and may well have been among Iraq 's objectives in mounting the invasion a year earlier , although there was no strong evidence of this at the time .
25 Though it has been suggested that Cynddylan may have been among Penda 's British allies at the Winwaed , there is no direct evidence for this , but when Penda attacked Oswiu in the mid-650s he is said to have been supported by British kings ( HB ch. 64 ) , principal among whom was Cadafael ap Cynfedw , king of Gwynedd ( HB ch. 65 ) .
26 Who else would have been in Mayall 's band at that time ?
27 The book should have been in Tollemarche 's only bookstore for several weeks ; however , when Hank casually sauntered in and asked for a copy , old Mr Pascall said it had not arrived .
28 The EST freak , Boyd , said , as he took off his trousers and shook his penis at me , ‘ If I were n't white and middle class I 'd have been in Pyke 's show now .
29 If to this is added the domestic tensions occasioned by Offa 's determination to secure the succession of his son , Ecgfrith , it becomes clear how highly charged the political atmosphere must have been in Offa 's last years .
30 Imagine what the result would have been in Salomon 's case if the company created was one of unlimited liability : all the members would have been personally liable for the debts owned by the company to the creditors .
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