Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] say [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 In August 1953 Sir John Nott-Bower took over as the new Commissioner at Scotland Yard and was reported as saying that he would ‘ rip the covers off all London 's filth spots ’ .
2 Just a fortnight ago , on 14 November , Councillor Mike Hastie , who is the Tory leader on Aberdeen district council , was reported as saying that he could not believe that the Government would now push through the measures .
3 On Aug. 19 he made a dramatic call for resistance , standing on one of the tanks stationed outside the Supreme Soviet building ( 10 tanks went over to Yeltsin on the night of Aug. 19 — see below ; the commander of tanks stationed outside the Russian Supreme Soviet building was reported as saying that he would not order an attack on Yeltsin . )
4 Foreign Affairs Minister Michael Somare was reported as saying that he was " confident the agreement would bring lasting peace to Bougainville " .
5 Exactly how he achieved this I can not explain except to say that he had a kind of eloquence that made you think he was speaking to you personally and the gift of a born story-teller .
6 San Román , who was expelled from the ruling Cambio 90 party as a " traitor " , challenged Fujimori 's authority to rule and said that he would establish his own government .
7 She was staring at herself in the mirror in the curtained dressing-room , wondering what a certain gentleman might do and say if he were to see her in it , when she became aware of hushed voices in the salon outside .
8 He called on Moi to resign and said that he intended to join FORD .
9 He was too close for her to say a word to Mitch but she knew without doubt that he was going to turn on them as soon as the door to his suite was closed and say that he would not even consider having anyone like her in his home or even near it .
10 Lightheartedly , the Earl agreed and said that he would hold a Tournament .
11 And he did n't take any notice of what she was asking or saying and he did n't take any notice of her at all .
12 I started crying and saying that he was only a minor , that he was n't old enough to be taken away , and had n't done anything .
13 Well obviously the sad reality of the thing does n't come home to , to our countrymen and a man comes up last week and tells me that he 's been paid off by the Daily Record he 's been working for them for thirty five years and he asked what how much pension will he have and says that he 's getting four years pension .
14 So when Bernard rang and said that he and Colette would be away for a fortnight — would I like a break ? — I moved in to babysit their cottage by the sea .
15 Give a child a piece of paper to hold and say that he is to be sure not to let anyone interfere with it .
16 Following a short interview about the further offence , the officer whom he had requested to see told him that he could not ask him any questions about the early offence for which he had already been charged but said that he could make a statement if he wished .
17 Perhaps he will even write and say that he knows nothing of it — that it is the Mayhews , Augusta 's family , who have announced a marriage .
18 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
19 The fact that nobody wrote and said that he was brilliant and was a genius convinced him that it was n't Robert Bolt who was at fault or the director Noel Willman , but himself as an actor .
20 He shrugged and said that he loved her , which was reassuring to hear if not particularly helpful .
21 When he came along erm was about he was more or less asked what terms he wanted and said that he was no to show no favouritism .
22 When they announced that Hodge was playing , this Leeds ‘ fan ’ behind me groaned and said that he hoped he 'd have his leg broken !
23 Mr Beregovoy has been quoted as saying that he is not ashamed to be called a social democrat .
24 Robert Malpas , chairman of the privatised power company Powergen , was quoted as saying that he would like to ‘ get away ’ with fitting FGD at just one of his power stations .
25 Alexander ‘ I am in control ’ Haig , Nixon 's last national security assistant , was quoted as saying that he sometimes had to act as president when ‘ Nixon was drunk . ’
26 Unnamed friends of the prince were quoted as saying that he would never be involved in a slanging match with Diana .
27 Gorbachev , arriving in Ottawa ( Canada ) on May 29 for an official visit , was quoted as saying that he was " somewhat worried " by Yeltsin 's victory .
28 Pérez de Cuéllar was quoted as saying that he welcomed the decision of the government to undertake reforms .
29 The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer , Norman Lamont , was also quoted as saying that he did not believe that the present position of the dollar had rendered it " uncompetitive . "
30 On May 31 he was quoted as saying that he was satisfied that all prisoners who qualified for political status had been released but that officials were still sifting petitions .
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