Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] say [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 three or four times I had to speak to him last night , and you never said a word , you just pretended or said you did n't hear
2 Ee I said I think I 'm going to write and say I do n't know what you 're
3 And when he sagged and said he 'd had enough of the place and it was not what he had thought it would be , she said life never was and that if he wanted to stay in Fleet Street he would be foolish to leave without a new job to go to .
4 Now we want to know and say we generate a statistic of two point five a T ratio of two point five .
5 A last-minute hiccup remained ; U Saw and Ba Sein announced that they could not sign , but Aung San brushed this aside : ‘ Let them resign and say they do not agree with the final statement and do not accept any responsibility for it . ’
6 However , Lord Justice Watkins disagreed and said he saw no difficulty in imposing upon the assessment officer the duty to discover what intention lay behind the reduction of capital .
7 The contractors would n't be interviewed but said they check the standard of food every day and they are n't aware of any dissatisfaction amongst the kitchen staff .
8 One woman , remarking on ‘ how wonderful it was , with what faith the Führer spoke ’ , was reported as saying it took just such a speech to show ‘ how faint-hearted one had become through the routine of everyday life ’ , and that she could now look to the future with confidence again .
9 She did n't know what to do or say and wished he would do or say something to break the silence .
10 For me that was vindication for the disagreements I 'd had with Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson , both of whom saw the music and titles after they 'd been done and said they did n't like them .
11 and erm and that 's what erm , the teacher came and said she 'd fallen out of erm one of the , er I think she said bogeys or something ?
12 CROOKED tycoon Robert Maxwell 's widow wishes she could help the pensioners her husband robbed but says she has no spare money .
13 Dana would laugh and say she had been teasing , and they would talk about the big show for charity where Dana would model the wedding gown Claudia had designed .
14 She laughs and says he means no harm , and is incapable of seeing the essential things we know and keep safe , and so it is , so it must be , so it must always be .
15 ‘ Although , when I was going he did give me a sort of squeeze and said I 'd got the loveliest mouth he 'd ever seen . ’
16 I do n't daydream about things in my future very much because I must admit I have n't got much to daydream for — because I 'm very lucky , I 've got a lovely house , a lovely husband ; we go on lovely holidays , we lead a nice social life , I 've got lovely clothes — I ca n't really daydream and say I wish I was this , I wish I was that .
17 Of going and saying you 've clamped my car and who do you
18 Earlier Mr Johnson had agreed and said he wanted more professional discipline .
19 Mr Wakil denounced Mr Najibullah for cowardice in trying to flee and said he had been forced to resign as head of the ruling Watan ( Homeland ) Party .
20 So I lied and said I detected nothing untoward in finding a bullet-riddled boat awash in the Bahamian seas .
21 When his three-year-old son saw the rods he started crying and said he wanted to go fishing , and was still upset the next morning .
22 Steve would have read her note , waited for her to phone and say she had arrived safely and when she had n't he would have driven up to the north of the island to find her .
23 We could phone and say we 've changed our plans .
24 Among those who could not attend but said they agreed with the aims of the delegation were Owen Jones and Bellamy .
25 She just went and said I 've got this you know , check up , cos she knew she was going to Christies for her final check up and , they 've whizzed her in .
26 I tried to get Dad to tell me where they 'd gone but he was tipsy and only laughed and said they 'd gone on their ‘ funnymoon ’ .
27 serious We laughed and said we had no
28 ‘ And when she noticed I had two other children with me she laughed and said she knew what a handful they could be . ’
29 The secretary laughed and said he thought he could guess who that was .
30 I wondered whether to call and say I understood , I forgave her ; we 'd meet next week some time .
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