Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] we could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By denying that we could empirically identify the linguistic framework employed by other agents ( or , indeed by ourselves ) , Quine challenged the claim that we can have a substantive prior conception of truth which can be used to formulate questions for transcendental reflection .
2 First of all we SUFFERED that defeat last Saturday next I knacker my ankle playing on Sunday and lastly I arrive in Northampton on Monday morning to find that we could only get tickets for Arsenal end on Tuesday ( So Gavin it was n't me being escorted away by the men in black , even though it the current season does n't improve quickly I might be escorted by mem in white . )
3 Because to me Danny Blanchflower , we lost England 's number one , now we 've lost Ireland 's number one , and it looks like we could even lose John , before long , of a similar type of er illness .
4 Well obviously that factor er was considered carefully by the Ministry of Defence before our Secretary of State agreed that we could safely defer the in service date for Eurofighter two thousand and adjust the the er replacement plan er back in December ninety two , so we have looked at what is the current rate of consumption of airframe life on the jaguar er what can be done economically and sensibly to keep it flying safely and effectively into the next century and er we have come to the conclusion that we have a viable plan here which can tie up with the planned rate of delivery to service of Eurofighter two thousand .
5 If then you have invited the artists of Europe to send in plans for a Plan which we have no intention of executing , two questions will arise — the first is who will pay the Premiums which you propose to offer for these Plans , seeing that we could hardly propose to Parliament to vote Premiums for Plans that are not to be executed , and secondly whether the Artists of Europe will not think that they have been trifled with in being asked to send in Plans for an undertaking which the Govt had on consideration determined not to attempt .
6 We did a lot of talking , of course , and then it was decided that we could possibly raise some money by going to the League of Friends , which we did , and they very generously provided well in fact the whole total is about five thousand pounds , of which three and a half thousands represents the computer , and we 're about to go live , as it were , in a week or two .
7 It seemed that we could just about raise the amount of the offer we had decided upon and still avoid bankruptcy .
8 Imagine that we could directly observe a particular person 's or group 's expectation formed last period of the current period 's value of an economic variable .
9 The film crew and myself were left scratching our heads , accepting that we had a long wait before we could even contemplate some kind of interview .
10 So it 's a very great honour and privilege for me to address you today because at the end it may be difficult for you to understand but when I return to South Africa , and forgive me for speaking personally I also realize the full meaning of the support of British trade unions and the labour movement and the churches because it was because of your political material and particularly in the case of the G M B , financial and material support that it gave us the means to do what some of us wanted to do about our country and our situation , and bring about change if we could peacefully .
11 It 's just that two people asked if we could just print the form relating to what is in the master job file and it on the same colour paper or card as the erm , job files .
12 But it did not follow that we could now relax , least of all in Britain .
13 We reckoned that we could probably deal with any nonsense from Mazzin , not that we wanted to waste our energies in a battle of nerves with him .
14 Benton and his Assistant Editor managed to keep the New Times of Burma going and we could still use the radio , but it was obvious that things were moving to a climax , and I was desperately afraid that violence would develop throughout the country .
15 On the whole the wooden aircraft were extraordinarily successful and I suppose that we could hardly have won the War without them .
16 There were no other forecasts , but the 0700 weather at Vigo was all right , which meant that we could possibly divert there , although this presented two problems for use as an alternate : our endurance would not leave safe reserves on arrival , and it was in Spain .
17 This makes the special position of the maternal uncle seem even more anomalous , and led Junod to suppose that we could only understand this peculiar relationship if we assumed that it represented an anachronistic throwback or ‘ survival ’ of an earlier matriarchal stage .
18 City Conservatives produced a budget showing that we could easily save more and keep to Government guidelines .
19 ‘ That proved that we could certainly be in the business of assisting recovery and restoration .
20 Yes , I think that we could actually kill as it were two birds with one stone here er , the conversion of military industry into civilian industry has begun in the Soviet Union but it was going very slowly and part of the reason for that is , is it 's very expensive , now that seems to me a worthy recipient for Western direct economic aid .
21 Many came to the door attempting to sell brushes , polish and so on , often carrying a card from the firm employing them explaining that they were disabled servicemen , I tremble to think that we could ever return to conditions like these .
22 I wonder if we could just consider the question of what is meant by the term general location .
23 I wonder if we could just finish with a very brief comment from you in a positive sense as to what would be your advice to somebody that 's unemployed ?
24 I wonder if the , the director plans to talk about the cri criteria we will work towards with the independent erm living fund and I wonder if we could possibly accommodate something within the criteria because I think the number of people involved needing adaptation to their home over about five thousand is fairly small but for those people it will make the difference between them being able to remain in their own home or within the community care package , a vast sum of money being needed to be spent on them to accommodate them within residential accommodation .
25 Very good I wonder if we could all do it as well as that ?
26 Some of the problems of unintended damage to other systems could be eliminated if we could selectively destroy only certain parts of nerve cells , like their axons or their cell bodies .
27 We were both really excited about each other 's playing and we could actually get along as people , too , so it was great partnership .
28 Not wanting to appear rude we ploughed our way through a bucket between us and then left while we could still walk .
29 Never saw , you were n't meant to , and he says , no your mum said that we could either have a sweet or a starter , not both .
30 I obviously made a huge mistake in thinking that we could ever learn to tolerate one another .
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