Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] we [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By denying that we could empirically identify the linguistic framework employed by other agents ( or , indeed by ourselves ) , Quine challenged the claim that we can have a substantive prior conception of truth which can be used to formulate questions for transcendental reflection .
2 I contrasted two quotations : an epigram of Goethe , saying that through reading Plutarch he learned that we were all human beings , and a passage from Hegel denying that we can ever understand the men of classical Antiquity because they represent a different stage in the evolution of the human mind .
3 N brief , I suggest that we can best understand the form of modern doctrines by situating them in a broader dialogue within liberal political philosophy concerning the relation between the citizen and the state .
4 But proving the necessity of crime requires more than showing that some things that were formerly criminal are now important parts of healthy social life ( even if we were to accept that we can objectively determine what constitutes healthy social life ) .
5 If that is how we still feel , then we must recognise that we can only think this way because the Enemy is not threatening us .
6 Realise that we should never have gone on holiday with Jack and Kate , but with Harry and Chrissie and their child .
7 There are some who say that we should immediately recognise Croatia and Slovenia because they have passed a test in respect of self-standing and self-sustenance .
8 ‘ I think I am talking for us all when I say that we will gladly work for nothing , just until matters improve , we have all been so happy here at Summer Lodge and each and every one of us would like to stay with you wherever you go . ’
9 First of all we SUFFERED that defeat last Saturday next I knacker my ankle playing on Sunday and lastly I arrive in Northampton on Monday morning to find that we could only get tickets for Arsenal end on Tuesday ( So Gavin it was n't me being escorted away by the men in black , even though it the current season does n't improve quickly I might be escorted by mem in white . )
10 Is it not extraordinary that the Leader of the Opposition is incapable of understanding that we might frequently find that monetary and interest rate policies were wholly inappropriate to the requirements of this country if we join a single European currency ?
11 Lyotard holds that we can best understand the nature of the unconscious through examining precisely how it is not structured like a language , that the most important criterion of demarcation of the unconscious from the ego lies in the ways that the former does not operate as does language .
12 The period of foreign aid is ending and we must now cut our coat according to our cloth .
13 We do not know and we will probably never know why any particular settlement is placed exactly where it is .
14 Because to me Danny Blanchflower , we lost England 's number one , now we 've lost Ireland 's number one , and it looks like we could even lose John , before long , of a similar type of er illness .
15 Having described what the Chart qua graph looks like we must now consider its properties as a process .
16 As the train stood on the platform we did not know if we would ever board it .
17 We did n't know if we would ever see each other again .
18 and yeah we 'd like to keep ours till September , I do n't know if we 'll ever get , we will get a free new one ever ?
19 So we want to draw a picture , that 's all a graph is , a picture so it 's eas so we can get a good idea of what 's happening and we can also read off at any time .
20 Telecanvassing is now up and running very efficiently in Salisbury and will continue to flourish and we will soon reap the rewards .
21 And this selectivity is of course justified by my immediate aim , which is phonological rather than sociolinguistic — to discover whether we can reasonably speak of a meat/mate merger in Belfast English .
22 hence she questions whether we can any longer construe a notion of ‘ outer space ’ , the space beyond the frame within which images or ideas are traditionally secured .
23 Perhaps the time has come when we should humbly admit our limitations and seek solutions in co-operation with the Master Plan .
24 Alec and I realized that we would only endanger our lives by trying to extract Father from where he lay and make a night climb with him .
25 I do indeed think that we can now know almost nothing concerning the life and personality of Jesus , since the early Christian sources show no interest in either , are moreover fragmentary and often legendary .
26 At the same time I think others , or the points she raises , erm , you know are good points and I do n't think that we should just my personal feeling is that we should n't just shelve it .
27 I do not think that we should either underestimate or understate the magnitude of its consequences .
28 He thinks that we will never deal intelligently with these questions if we confuse them with questions about what is good in itself .
29 Well obviously that factor er was considered carefully by the Ministry of Defence before our Secretary of State agreed that we could safely defer the in service date for Eurofighter two thousand and adjust the the er replacement plan er back in December ninety two , so we have looked at what is the current rate of consumption of airframe life on the jaguar er what can be done economically and sensibly to keep it flying safely and effectively into the next century and er we have come to the conclusion that we have a viable plan here which can tie up with the planned rate of delivery to service of Eurofighter two thousand .
30 ‘ The golden rule of conduct , therefore , is mutual toleration seeing that we will never all think alike and that we shall always see Truth in fragment ( sic ) and from different angles of vision ’ .
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