Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] this [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Clause 7 of Precedent 1 expressly specifies that this is to be the case .
2 Please let me know if this is of any interest to you ; and if you need any more information , I will be glad to provide it .
3 O K , I just wanted us to , to do that erm , because erm , one of the things that I suspect when you 're getting down to doing your plan tomorrow , is that with the best will in the world , even though I say but this is for sales course , one of things you will want objectively to look at is either your revenue or your trading base or something , er , I just wanted to carry that through .
4 In these circumstances it is impossible to my mind to regard section 8 as supporting the general proposition that in the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction the court should allow the child 's decision to determine the matter , whether or not the court thinks that this is in the child 's best interests .
5 Wherever it saves space , we shall always write a column vector x as unc the braces{} denote that this is to be read as a column .
6 The program can suggest a list of alternative words and allow the user to choose a substitute , the user can edit the file to correct the word , or the user can confirm that this is in fact a correctly spelled word , and should be added to the program 's dictionary .
7 You 've got to remember that this is in Jamaica , and we 're in England .
8 It could be argued that this is of little moment , as only popular texts are involved .
9 ( 11.5 ) With this , the line element ( 11.4 ) can be written in the form ( 11.6 ) and the two main equations ( 6.22d , e ) can be written as the single complex equation ( 11.7 ) It may be seen that this is in fact Ernst 's equation , which can be written in the coordinate-invariant form ( 11.8 ) where is the square of the gradient of an arbitrary scalar field which , in this case , is a function of the two ( null ) coordinates only .
10 But there is a very urgent sense in which the Caribbean family fails to encourage sufficiently or places too much pressure on their offspring at school ; and there is every reason to surmise that this is of general relevance — not just to sportsmen .
11 There is certainly accumulating circumstantial evidence to suggest that this is in fact the case .
12 It is in both the firm 's and the consumer s interests that this is for some extended period : in the case of the latter because search costs ( presumably ) are finite and so will not be worth incurring if there is only some probability of finding low prices , unless the benefits are substantial .
13 It seems to be generally agreed that this is in some way ‘ special ’ , and peculiar to English .
14 However , it does not require magistrates ( or anyone else for that matter ) to secure the information needed if this is to be done effectively .
15 Often , the applicants are recommended to re-contact their unions formally to seek access to accounts , stating that this is on the recommendation of the Commissioner , and access has been provided .
16 And remember that this is in addition to the calories you are burning away every day during aerobic walking , another 200–400 calories depending upon time and effort .
17 So that 's very useful to show you how women have been affected but this is on our claims experience .
18 In short , those who propose a deprivation weighting must decide whether this is to be additional to or a substitute for mortality .
19 It takes a Wittgenstein to pull us up with a jolt , by saying that this is like translating a chair — not the word ‘ chair ’ , but a chair — into French .
20 Er when we have erm when you come down for , you know if if if we decide that this is for you , er when you come down for a training course they expect to see a car .
21 It does not appear to sit easily with an Act which requires local authorities to educate children with special educational needs in ordinary schools , provided that this is in the interests of the child , that it does not adversely affect the education of the other children and is compatible with the efficient use of resources .
22 Note that this is for the user 's purpose only , since LIFESPAN does not make any checks on the connections between the two modules .
23 Note that this is of limited use as it implies that the data is held only in the index or in the main file .
24 One , application could be made to the court that Mr the landlord is unreasonably withholding consent to the lease , if the court finds that this is in fact the case they will permit the assignment of the lease to you , not withstanding the landlord 's objection .
25 No , the order seems to be fairly haphazard — and I feel that this is to the benefit of the patient .
26 The First Labour , the slaying of the Nemean lion , was a common theme for samian potters , but , unusual in Britain , only one example is known and this is by no means certain .
27 There is a further way in which competitive pressures may be reduced and this is through the granting , by governments , of State aid or subsidies to individual firms or industries .
28 According to , depute clerk of session and secretary to the working party , ‘ there are perceptions that the process is slow but senior law officers have received no particular complaints so it will set out first to test these perceptions by asking if this is in fact the case . ’
29 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
30 I wish to call attention to the need for regional government in England , and I beg to move , ’ That this House deplores the excessive centralisation of government in the United Kingdom since 1979 and the failure to decentralise and devolve power to the nations and regions of the United Kingdom ; notes that this is in direct contrast to the general trend towards decentralisation evidence elsewhere in Europe ; furthermore deplores the severe cuts in the regional assistance budget since 1979 together with the failure to enact dynamic and effective regional economic policies which would have promoted balanced economic growth and prosperity ; expresses alarm at the regional divisions which continue to characterise the United Kingdom economy ; and considers that the creation of a regional tier of government in the English regions as well as national devolution to Scotland and Wales is now vital to the United Kingdom 's future economic and political well-being .
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