Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] they [vb base] and " in BNC.

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1 We guarantee nothing — wild birds are free to go where they wish and , though we can give them the best possible conditions , we can never be certain that they will stand in front of a hide !
2 We do have to look at all our pre-school children as a group who have similar means as they grow and they learn and they develop and I hope that we can continue to push for a co-ordinated approach to the whole range of services that we are o offering to that group of children and to their families .
3 That 's where they report before they start and that 's where they report after they 're finished . ’
4 Figures taken from an American survey indicated that ‘ learners retain about 10% of what they read , 20% of what they hear , 30% of what they see , 50% of what they see and hear , 70% of what they say as they talk and 90% of what they say as they do a thing ’ .
5 This is not therefore the place to discuss alternatives in these areas yet again , but simply to acknowledge that they do and will affect our response as managers within the education service .
6 If companies do n't ensure that they understand and are understood , they have only themselves to blame .
7 Just wait till they bring and get down and to get on down
8 If these are collected before they sink and are placed in a jar of water in a cool airy place , they will start into growth much sooner , and , by providing much needed surface shade , can do much to combat the algal growth that is invariably experienced in early spring .
9 This is usually easier said than done as they rust and are difficult to find .
10 You curse when they fail and when you bring what you feel is the perfect bloom against others you still fail
11 Pat 's job had already brought her into contact with the problems people face when they retire and feel that just because they 've stopped working , they 've dropped out of society .
12 Most people know that they hawk and feed on other flies .
13 Because teachers often can not answer the question of why they teach as they do and because they refer to statements such as that they just know what to do or have a feeling or sense about what to do , it has been suggested that what guides teachers in making sense of their work and what commits them to action is a mixture of " personal knowledge , tacit knowledge , routine knowledge … when conscious thought is not permitted the time to percolate and inform practice " ( Simons and Elliott 1989 ) .
14 Most businesses rely on two complementary forces to ensure that they maintain and raise their standards .
15 Only one in five teachers believe that they have and much the greater proportion of these are scale 3 teachers and above .
16 For example , you would n't consider hair dryers to have a gender but it seems that they do and masculine black is popular with the boys .
17 Mary showed him the work she had done in the garden , and they talked as they cut and cleared .
18 ‘ There used to be totters , ’ said Billy O'Rourke , With big smelly horses and that And my dad knew gypsies who smile when they talk And live by the tip of the hat . ’
19 They go where they want and do whatever they like .
20 Just by knowing that they exist and knowing that if I went to places whether it 's a bookshop or a coffee shop or a pub or the streets of Brixton or Tescos or Budgens in Crouch End you bump into people you know or might know .
21 In the soil they aerate , they cultivate and they fertilise and in captivity they 'll turn your rubbish into gold dust .
22 The strength of a well made glued joint in good condition is not increased by nailing or screwing the joint in addition to the glue , On the other hand , all glues need to be tightly clamped while they set and the simplest way to do this is generally to assemble the wet joint with nails or screws ; having once done this , there is no particular benefit in taking the fastenings out afterwards .
23 The 1975 United Nations Declaration of Rights of Disabled Persons asserted the right of disabled people to be self-reliant , to live as they choose and to participate in the social , creative and recreational activities of their communities .
24 In considering such reports and recommendations , the Houses are free to decide as they wish and it is not unknown for them to divide along party lines where there are party political implications involved .
25 People come and go as they wish and people call there .
26 She lets them come and go as they please and it is good for the crew .
27 By their very nature they must be worked where they occur and extraction often involves environmental nuisance and danger .
28 You stammer and they go and pour it !
29 They wheel and they deal and plot and plan ,
30 Sue Harvey urges parents to think before they buy and not to play into the hands of the clubs :
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