Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] they will be " in BNC.

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1 Access to files sometimes leads people to worry that they will be sued if the record contains unprovable statements .
2 All teachers who qualified in 1981 and 1982 are reminded that they will be introduced as a group at the Reunion in November .
3 The meanings of these expressions was considered in the previous chapter , and it may be expected that they will be interpreted in essentially the same way in this context .
4 In Chambers , copy documents are not required in the High Court ( RSC Ord 32/21 ) , and it is not expected that they will be provided in the county court .
5 " We have an apprenticeship of seven years to begin with , but 99 out of 100 of these girls when they go to the trade expect that they will be married before that time passes .
6 But I do n't know if they will be too heavy for your ear lobes .
7 COOK 'S TIP : Always break the bay leaves before adding them to the pan otherwise most of their flavour will be trapped and they will be of no benefit to the casserole .
8 Figure 8.1 repeats the cross-tabulation of class background and a collapsed version of school type first shown in figure 7.8 ; the full raw frequencies have been included as they will be helpful in the following discussion .
9 Leeds ’ possesion play was excellent , and I do n't think that they will be far away from honours come the new season ’
10 The local Licensed Victuallers Association have pointed out that all six pubs have gardens and car parks , suggesting that they will be converted to plastic ‘ eating houses ’ .
11 League president Gordon McKeag said : ‘ A response was received from Barnet to confirm that they will be able to honour their commitments to the Football League and , for the moment , we will have to accept that . ’
12 Keeping them at arms length guarantees that they will be lukewarm or confused in their support and their potential as marketers of the school will lie untapped .
13 However , the mere existence of procedures for addressing grievances in no way guarantees that they will be resolved in a manner acceptable to employees .
14 It is intended that they will be run on a regular basis .
15 Personnel to carry out the Quality Auditor role are currently being identified : it is intended that they will be trained to IQA Lead Assessor standards .
16 Putting it bluntly , many Protestants fear that they will be unable to continue to practise and promote their religion in a united Ireland .
17 Successful litigants who are vindictive , or excessively conscientious , or who fear that they will be liable to litigation themselves if they fail to extract everything possible from a claim , might well pursue the individual partners for their assets .
18 A child 's curious nature , coupled with their relative lack of fear , mean that they will be vulnerable and may end up being badly injured as a consequence .
19 If there is any crisis that requires your return this will ensure that they will be able to contact you .
20 Even with heterogeneous expectations on the part of investors the process of arbitrage will ensure that they will be in agreement on the price of the option in relation to the parameters S o , h , L , rf and t even though the average values of h , L and p can not be observed .
21 And they worry that they will be asked to make a contribution if the WIPers use up the DM600 million now allocated to the programme .
22 I find difficulty believing that they will be able to do that , simply because the detailed assessment that has been done to date , as we 've heard so many times is is incomplete .
23 For according to Althusser , Marx takes the notions of certain practices as primitive , and assumes that they will be present in all societies .
24 So if you erm press the return key er go into option three right and what we 'll do is we 'll , we 'll plot erm plot the histogram of the residuals because what this test for normality is doing is seeing whether the residuals we get from our regression are normally distributed , right O and S assumes that they will be .
25 I appreciate that these directions are somewhat rough and ready , but I hope that they will be useful .
26 On the hon. Gentleman 's request for a revenue support grant statement from my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for the Environment and for Wales , the hon. Gentleman is correct in intimating that statements on those matters are necessary , and I hope that they will be made very soon — I hope next week .
27 ‘ I hope that they will be reassured by the results of the first phase of this study . ’
28 Thus national VAT rates will not have to be identical — it suffices that they will be sufficiently close to prevent significant distortions .
29 Sympathetic officials have said that they will be patient as people learn not to light up automatically with every cup of coffee and glass of wine .
30 Just because the technology offers exciting possibilities , we can not assume that they will be realised .
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