Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] they are to " in BNC.

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1 Antiracist orthodoxy now sees them as the only effective repositories of authentic black culture and as a guaranteed means to transmit all the essential skills that black children will need if they are to ‘ survive ’ in a racist society without psychological damage .
2 Society itself is , notoriously , changing very rapidly , and the possibility has to be considered that we are entering a period where the notions and the realities of political coercion , of production of wealth , and of cognition and legitimation , may need to be modified if they are to be useable in our actual social environment .
3 She also points to the importance of performance in first year examinations as a means of identifying potential non-graduates , who may need further support if they are to be successful .
4 Questions which had no real purpose in the first place are unlikely to be easy to analyse at the answer stage since the researcher is seeking for answers to his hypotheses which will show whether they are to be substantiated or not .
5 In their Narratives of love and loss ( 1987 , pp.1–2 ) they have set out ‘ to understand and … explain the astonishing emotional depth and moving power of works which might at first sight appear deceptively simple to adult readers , written as they are to be read by children ’ .
6 It is unclear at this stage if direct comparison can be made with Behrensmeyer 's weathering categories , applied as they are to large mammal weathering in tropical climates , but as a provisional estimate these changes will be attributed to her stage 2 .
7 The purpose of this study is to determine whether accounting practices need to be adjusted or developed if they are to be of use to firms operating in the highly changeful high technology sectors .
8 No , the the well some of them are , those particular ones some of them are joined but they are to all intents and purposes separate in that they can be er , rented out separately they 're not tied to the house erm in that they are they go with it but the housing department have the opportunity to rent them to whoever applies for them .
9 Etching times in HF vapour depend on the nature of the rock : feldspars , for example , require about 30 minutes etch before they are to be stained .
10 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
11 The tuners are Jackson-stamped Gotohs and have proved in the past to be man enough for the job , relegated as they are to being mere anchor points for the strings , taking into account the Floyd Rose licensed tremolo employed here .
12 This is closely related to the more general idea of a common association base ( CAB ) : the argument is that some sort of conceptual link has to be formed between individuals which have been introduced if they are to be referred to by a plural pronoun .
13 The guidelines say that embryos may only be frozen and stored if they are to be used for in vitro fertilisation later on .
14 For example , different aspects of a picture , a coin and an Egyptian mummy would need to be emphasised if they are to be distinguished from other objects of the same sort .
15 The figures from the United Kingdom , acknowledged as they are to be the most accurate , still underestimate the true incidence of infection .
16 Indeed , except for first-row elements , band shifts are rarely more than one or two cm -1 , and particular precautions must be taken if they are to be observed at all .
17 It is also important that pupils arrive on site appropriately dressed if they are to be comfortable .
18 Latterly it has become increasingly apparent that neighbouring small-scale communities , even when they are lumped together under the same " tribal " label , are just as likely to be sharply contrasted as they are to be very much the same .
19 The natural sciences have proved so enormously successful in modern times that they are now commonly regarded as the supremely useful and valid intellectual discipline , and as setting the standard to which all other kinds of enquiry must conform if they are to be taken seriously as dealing with truth and reality .
20 Er your Royal Highness , Chairman , Commodores , Ladies and Gentlemen , the accounts have been circulated and they are to be found on pages eight to fourteen with the report and there are copies around the room .
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