Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] he [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 It transpired that he had been sleeping rough for weeks and that his last known address was a Salvation Army hostel 100 miles away .
2 It transpired that he had been scouting at the Festival .
3 By Nov. 20 Mahdi Mohammed was reported to be massing reinforcements in Warsheik , about 60 km north of Mogadishu , and had placed a satellite telephone call to the British Broadcasting Corporation denying that he had been ousted .
4 An Italian engineer recently arrested in connection with the supergun affair disclosed that he had been employed by SRC associate company ATI to co-ordinate production of supergun parts in Italy , Switzerland and the UK .
5 Allow , say , an hour at the scene , and with luck he would be home again before Nell woke and she need never know that he had been away .
6 When one recalls that for decades geography was not recognized as a scholarly discipline , one can not perhaps be surprised that some scientists have unsuspectingly spent their whole careers studying geography — rather like the well-known character of Molière who did not know that he had been speaking prose all his life !
7 She was n't to know that he 'd been posted to Berlin .
8 But to know that he had been there , and she had n't seen him …
9 My brother , now himself in the RAF , turned up at the door of the Met Office one morning , announcing that he had been posted to Bourn .
10 Gavin Turk , who attracted notice for erecting , as his only contribution to his degree show at the Royal College of Art a year ago , a blue English Heritage plaque announcing that he had been working in his studio for two years , is having a first exhibition at an apartment in Docklands , opposite Canary Wharf ( 1–31 July ; by appointment only , call 071–274 0041 ) .
11 He wore an open-neck shirt and trousers that needed pressing , but he 'd apologized for his ‘ unkempt ’ condition when he 'd first greeted them , explaining that he 'd been decorating at home and had pulled on the first things to hand in his haste to get to the waxworks .
12 Sullivan later claimed that he had been given no instructions on this point .
13 His comrades immediately claimed that he had been the victim of Leftist aggression and demanded retribution .
14 He was referring to print-outs that had enabled the US Congress to discover that he had been secretly bombing Cambodia .
15 Dickey had rebelled against his black clothes , until he was told that it would be naughty to mamma not to put them on , when he at once submitted ; and now , though he had heard Nanny say that mamma was in heaven , he had a vague notion that she would come home again tomorrow , and say that he had been a good boy and let him empty her workbox . ’
16 The grin left his face as he mentioned that he had been informed about an hour ago that his brother-in-law , who was a member of No. 4 Commando , had been killed during a German counter attack on the Commando positions .
17 Writing to a colleague at Caserta , he mentioned that he had been presented with some tricky problems concerning the status of individual British subjects in Austria , and he then went on to mention , among " similar problems " he had been confronted with : " if captured Cossacks fighting with the Germans are to be handed over to the Russians , what should be done with White Russians with French nationality ?
18 In [ 17 ] the author writes that he had been saying that Gardner looked very square : But of course Carver had not actually said that Gardner looked very square , at least not in the Gricean ( Grice 1981 ) sense of the word .
19 The master at this time , J.W. , was in trouble when it was reported that he had been boarding some of the officers and two of their relatives in his own apartments under a private arrangement .
20 At the inquest held on the same day the jury found that he had been in a deranged state of mind , his friend Wilshere having given evidence to that effect .
21 Checking his watch , he found that he 'd been out of the cabin for a little over three hours .
22 The defendent appealed , argueing that he had been lead to make his statement by being promised bail , and had been mislead by being falsely told that his companion had confessed ; but the judgment of the court was against him .
23 Nevertheless , they have demonstrated activity in the visual areas during an imaging task , in the language areas during a verbal task and even , on one - occasion , in the higher visual areas of a schizophrenic patient who subsequently reported that he had been hallucinating .
24 After some weeks , Paisley reported that he had been unable to persuade the speaker of the House of Commons to allow the Black case to be raised in an adjournment debate and that he was pessimistic of having it raised in Parliament in any other form .
25 Iain reported that he had been in touch with the Colvins and the Newis ( retired Methodist couple with experience in Africa ) and both of these had agreed to be a support to the Mafinyani 's .
26 The author recalls an able Treasury minister who , after resignation , became a convinced and cogent parliamentary reformer , explaining that as a minister he had had no time to work out this aspect of policy and therefore , since the Treasury was opposed to more specialist committees of the House of Commons , he used the brief they provided and he had been a formidable opponent of these reforms at the Cabinet Committee level .
27 I do n't know if he had been lunged before , but he did n't seem to have much idea about it and was wary of the lunge whip at first .
28 Then , after apparently sorting everything out band-wise , Jeremy suddenly disappeared and we did n't know if he 'd been ‘ offed ’ , or what , given the uncertainty of Los Angeles .
29 So you , you could put him into property , erm but erm I do n't know if he 'd been in the U K for the last few years whether he 'd be that keen on commercial property .
30 It would have been difficult to accept if he had been killed so young in a car crash , but when it was so senseless … ‘
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