Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] he [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He did no wilful damage but regarded himself as entitled to go where he wished for the purpose in his mind without regard to the rights of ownership and the alleged presence of man traps and spring guns .
2 It transpired that he wanted to be able to comment on each question in more depth and indeed some staff did so on separate sheets .
3 In it the pope said nothing about homage , and argued temperately against lay investitures , minimizing their importance , and denying that he sought for himself any increase of authority or any diminution of the king 's due power .
4 James II succeeded to the throne but the favourite illegitimate son of Charles II , the Duke of Monmouth , did not approve so he landed in the West Country and encouraged a Protestant revolt , but much of the public supported the King and the uprising was suppressed .
5 Ronald Duncan offered a perhaps apocryphal account of how lunch had been cancelled when Eliot sent a telegram explaining that he had to " bury a woman " .
6 Baldirzade and Ismail Belig , in addition to giving information about Molla Yegan 's burial place , say that he died in 878/1473–4 , for which date there appears to be no firm evidence , though equally there is nothing to show it to be improbable .
7 It mentioned that he lived with his mother , Lady Ursula Berowne , and his second wife in one of the few extant houses built by Sir John Soane and that he had one child by his first marriage , 24-year-old Sarah Berowne , who was active in left-wing politics and who was thought to be estranged from her father .
8 He was a very successful , very good-looking professional in his mid-thirties — just as Tom Russell was , although that was irrelevant , of course — and to find that he seemed to be interested in her was satisfying somehow .
9 I never took a meal with him , but I should be surprised to find that he ate with a good appetite .
10 Miss Groundwater — he found that he thought of her in this way again , as a fillip to rage — was seated at her mirror , already in her nightgown , brushing out her hair .
11 The Prester was believed to have written to the Byzantine Emperor Manuel Comnenus , enumerating the wonders of his kingdom , and affirming that he ruled over the three Indies and over seventy kings , and that twenty bishops , twelve archbishops and a patriarch acknowledged his authority .
12 The tears , the bare feet , and the rejection of royal insignia have enough in common with Cnut 's behaviour to indicate that he responded to what he heard preached .
13 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
14 As the hon. Member for Livingston can promise his hon. Friends nothing about money , he could not prevent that from happening if he returned to the old system .
15 So he he 's been up he 's one of type of dogs , he said like a human you would n't know if he went in the house they would n't know whether he was coming out with a double barrelled shot gun to shoot yourself or
16 Endill did not know if he wanted to be hard but was too tired to argue .
17 He did n't know if he wanted to .
18 However , after changes in the housing benefit regulations , his substantial income dropped and he fell into arrears with mortgage payments .
19 Col. Iafai Camara was reported to be under house arrest in November [ see p. 37842 ] , but charges were reported to have been dropped and he remained in post .
20 I was well aware I should wait until he came to me .
21 They do , and that 's what they , I mean , but they could also wait until he went round that corner and then go and burgle a house .
22 If the fish did attack and he missed with his spear , Trent knew that his chances of getting out of the water in one piece were nil .
23 Garty 's legs collapsed and he fell to the ground , a twitching moaning heap .
24 Happily all four engines had been spared the attention of the Ju88 but I was soon to learn from the flight engineer that the aileron control cable had been severed and he went into the wing root to find the two ends and make some sort of connection .
25 So he stopped and he listened to this and went to have a look , see what was going on .
26 She stopped and he skidded into her back .
27 Precisely what she disliked most about them was what interested him ; she knew that he wondered whether they could be persuaded to become sleeping partners in the revolution a phrase which she used and he approved with a dry smile and a nod .
28 These subtleties , however , were lost on Joseph because the dryness of the speech had caused his attention to wander and he gazed round the richly furnished audience chamber with awestruck eyes .
29 Like a dutiful citizen , I checked in with the Usher and he looked at his clipboard and said there would be about a fifteen-minute wait , so why did n't I take a seat ?
30 So I stood by the door and I never moved till he went in oh he said But with a caravan I do n't know .
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