Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] it [adv] has " in BNC.

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1 Our data suggest that it also has an effect on colorectal tissue .
2 Under these tests , a country reserves the right to refuse an operating licence to a foreign firm if it deems that it already has enough similar companies on its territory .
3 The last of those three comments was , it is true , written almost fifteen years ago , long before the more than ‘ adequate ’ gay images of My Beautiful Laundrette or Law of Desire or Torch Song Trilogy , but I think the general point stands : before we stampede to dispense with ‘ identity ’ , let us consider whether it still has its uses as a rallying point for political action .
4 Unsurprising , perhaps , but in a country that for 40 years has acted like a poodle it is striking to find a Japanese suggesting that it now has the strength of a rottweiler .
5 It is slightly creamier than Wensleydale , but is also lightly pressed so it always has a soft texture .
6 The Health Authority says that it simply has no extra cash from its £136 million budget .
7 IBM says that it already has a prototype of the latter running in its Hursley Park facility and that the two companies ‘ will move very quickly ’ to bring the product to market .
8 What happened next was to so profoundly influence the way the typesetting market operated that it still has n't fully come to terms with the consequences .
9 The second , smaller , chest has clearly been ransacked but it still has some items inside .
10 We know that it already has a very good bus service .
11 We know that it still has a poll tax element , that it will still need a register , and that it still does not relate to the ability to pay .
12 And Hewlett-Packard , with its laser printers , has demonstrated that it still has the ability to build a major business from scratch , and its OEM disk drive business , although not very visible , is treated with respect by its competitors .
13 ‘ The UK is a logical next step for Alco Office Products and Erskine House is an ideal fit considering that it also has a significant presence in the US market and complementary interests in Germany , ’ Alco chairman and chief executive Ray Mundt commented .
14 The insurance fund has since doubled its reserves through a levy on its other members , but fears that it still has insufficient funds to cover its potential obligations .
15 IBM has been counting up its hangers-on and finds that it currently has some 40 OEMs doing things like boards and systems with the PowerPC chip .
16 We really feel that it now has a future . ’
17 We look so closely and with such moralistic scrutiny at the religious content of sects , and the habit of mind that imagines that it alone has the full and unique expression of the faith , that we fail to notice what they have to offer .
18 I doubt if it ever has as wide a meaning as that .
19 The scene is observed but it also has its own life and its own place in the narrative .
20 The main difficulty is that in order to record capital the organization not only has to know what assets it owns but it also has to put a value on them , even if the ‘ value ’ is their historic cost .
21 Some people think that it already has .
22 Despite my disagreement with the generally Weberian direction of much of this work , I think that it usually has virtues of clarity and relevance , and addresses a range of themes which are important in understanding developments in the places investigated in this book .
23 When the New Year 's Honours List is published , Britons will learn once again that the snob system is functioning as it always has .
24 As Fokine said : ‘ There can never be revolution in dance , only evolution , because the human body remains as it always has been , a living apparatus which can only move in certain well-defined ways . ’
25 When we set out to do something new we often assume that the baseline will continue as it always has done .
26 Add the sugar and stir until it too has dissolved .
27 She is especially renowned for creating a long silk jersey halter-neck evening dress , which can be worn five different ways and is easy to make because it only has one seam .
28 She is especially renowned for creating a long silk jersey halter-neck evening dress which can be worn five different ways and is easy to make because it only has one seam .
29 er one that occurs to me , no , no speaking on it myself , the jury might be interested , sometime I just like to get a feel of what a brochure looks like , not divided as it obviously has to be here , could , could we see a couple sometime , not , not now
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