Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] i have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The passport office in Liverpool issued me with a new passport , and , though I had made dozens of requests to the army for a vehicle , BBC Radio Manchester succeeded where I had failed .
2 I 've often wished that I had stayed on and tried for university , but I was n't keen , and my family was n't the sort to encourage it .
3 ‘ Ah well , in that case , I 'd better let you know that I 've asked Paul Spence to do some of the revision classes for your part of the course . ’
4 Now you 'll all know that I 've told you the truth ! ’ he shouted .
5 I do n't know that I 've got any ambitions that way although you never know , do you now , what they say there 's many a good tune played on an old fiddle I thought you was going to say old women do n't , older women do n't appeal to me , but what about the one who raped me when I was thirteen ?
6 ‘ I 'm sure you do , but Kitty must n't ever know that I 'd had a hand in it . ’
7 And I 'd know that I 'd incurred that expense .
8 But once he is dead Emeth meets Aslan and falls at his feet in instinctive adoration , as in terror , ‘ for the Lion … will know that I have served Tash all my days and not him ’ .
9 My hon. Friend may know that I have made the views of the Government and of Members of Parliament well known to the Kenyan Government for a long time .
10 Madam Chairman , you will know that I have written a number of letters .
11 You will probably already know that I have taken over Nick Gibbs as editor of Woodworker magazine .
12 My conscience shouted that I had to inform .
13 During the summer , and I called into the hospital on several occasions and I was reminded that I had agreed to participate in the ‘ fun run ’ and I decided it would be a good publicity gimmick and improve my chances of sponsorship if I took along and pushed him around the 10 mile course .
14 I 'm asking you to accept that I 've got reasons , and not to ask me what they are .
15 But it helps a lot to know that I 've balanced the books . ’
16 You might like to know that I 've approached no other company .
17 HEAVEN is my witness that I do not want to be unfair to British Telecom , so I must , with frank and honest gaze , report that I have had several letters saying that I am up the pole in carrying on about the method of charging recently mentioned in this column .
18 I 'd forgotten that I 'd said that , and was , in any case , already regretting the admission .
19 Yeah and I 'd forgotten that I 'd spoken to her the other night
20 I 'd forgotten that I 'd agreed to meet her .
21 I leant back and looked at the seat of my trousers , checking that I had brushed off the mud ; I wanted to make the transition from somebody who had just slept rough to somebody who looked as though he was out for an early walk .
22 I believe now the driver — I did n't see who it was — was checking that I had left the pub .
23 For myself , I pretended that I had left home with full approval , inventing for myself a Harrogate doctor father , fleshing out an imaginary family … .
24 I 've always got on well with adults , but it 's only now that I 'm starting to get on with my own generation , and I realise that I have to do that if I 'm to become a whole person .
25 Bainbridge has a lovely village green which was the setting for nothing more remarkable than the fact that I arrived there one day to walk over from Bainbridge to Cam Houses with Tony and Eddie , the landlord from my local pub , only to discover that I 'd left my walking boots back at home in Dentdale and had to do the entire walk in a pair of fur-lined cowboy boots , which earned me the nickname of Roy Rogers for the rest of the week .
26 I 'm gon na ring them up and say that I 've found her !
27 And say that I 've busted my bra strap !
28 People say that I have changed as a person .
29 I hereby acknowledge that I have received from the sum of £ in payment for the fixtures , fittings and chattels now in or about the above premises listed in the Schedule below AND I confirm that I am absolutely entitled to the same free of any charge , hire-purchase agreement or other incumbrance affecting the same or any of them .
30 ‘ It 's only a bunch of flowers , ’ he said , pleased with her response , ‘ although I can guarantee that I have bought them , and have n't picked them on the way over .
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