Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A 1992 survey revealed that 39% of large companies either fear or have already experienced litigation due to lost or missing records .
2 The artists in the show were a young and academic group , many completing or having recently gained postgraduate qualifications .
3 After all she ca n't possibly stay up in Dublin with people we do n't know or have never heard of .
4 Merlini , three attempts were made to serve documents on a defendant in Italy , trying three different addresses and two different names ; on each occasion the defendant could not be located or had already moved on .
5 OFFICIAL notices that have somehow come into our possession reveal vacancies on the governing bodies of both Mowden and Skerne Park infants schools in Darlington .
6 ‘ the manufacturer had known that the fuel tank on its subcompact Pinto was defectively designed and had consciously decided to proceed with production in spite of the potential hazards .
7 It applied equally to the Galapagos Archipelago where the ancestors of Darwin 's finches had on arrival resolutely stuck to their islands and refused to travel short distances across water to interbreed and had consequently evolved into thirteen distinct species .
8 At the same time step-parent adoptions have been discouraged and have almost halved since the Children Act 1975 .
9 In total , taking both seasons together , he has had 13 top-10 finishes from 27 starts and has only missed three cuts .
10 Daphne 's first suggestion was Alchemilla mollis , or lady 's mantle , a plant I already grow but had never thought of cutting .
11 In 1954 , for example , Galton and Simpson created Hancock 's Half Hour on radio : satirical playlets about the pale squalor of outer-suburban life that launched a series of tiny exercises in comic realism to replace the music-hall turns that had once dominated the BBC Light Programme : an earthy , irreverent spirit of realistic comedy translated into visual terms in 1960 , when Granada TV started Coronation Street as a comic reflection , for mass audiences , of back-street life in the urban North .
12 In seven cases there was acknowledged to have been a deterioration in the dependant 's condition , so that the principal carer accepted or had even requested institutional care .
13 Sick with longing for his wife , Diana , and worn out with the public issues of doctoring that had apparently lost her to him , he had agreed .
14 More has been said than has actually happened .
15 I 've met people who 've said they 've , they 've enjoyed living in the flats , but all the people I 've known who 've said that have since moved out .
16 The letter was written in a sprawling hand , writing that had once undergone the discipline of copperplate , but long ago broken loose from its restrictions and now spread , thick and unguarded , over the page .
17 The woman columnist at the Star argued that the judge as a man had no real understanding of what the girls had suffered and had unjustifiably let the youths off lightly with seven-year and three-year prison sentences .
18 The noises in my head never stop and have nearly driven me to suicide .
19 I remembered that I had promised to see her about some poems she had written and had nervously asked me to read .
20 SCOTVEC recognises that the use of levels to describe vocational qualifications is becoming generally accepted and has therefore decided to adopt a system of levels for SVQs which is analogous to that adopted by NCVQ and NVQs .
21 It has never wavered and has consistently fought ever since for the adoption of this method .
22 If you have n't cheated and have really covered the last column , you 'll be lucky if you manage to get ten examples down and in the right places .
23 Their day , however , had not been that good ; they had put in many hours of searching and had only made two finds of any note .
24 She stressed that her client only knew of the cockroach problem the day before the complaint was made and had immediately bought powder to rid the restaurant of the insects .
25 Firms have not boosted their exports as they could have done but have simply increased their profit margins on existing sales . ’
26 In both cases the success of the university sub-disciplinary segments can be seen as having partly resulted from their having found allies outside of their own organizations .
27 A month later came their second album , ‘ Levelling The Land ’ , which was well received and has now sold 200 , copies in the UK alone , giving it double gold status .
28 The vibrancers had truly believed what they 'd been taught and had never questioned anything .
29 It had penetrated through the layered chalks on which Troodos sits and had just begun to bring up rock cores from the ophiolite 's fringe .
30 For most of human history political domination in the shape of empires , hereditary rulers , aristocracies , has been largely taken for granted , notwithstanding sporadic revolts , so that Mosca 's ( 1896 ) observation that ‘ in all societies — from societies that are very meagrely developed and have barely attained the dawnings of civilization , down to the most advanced and peaceful societies — two classes appear — a class that rules and a class that is ruled ’ , is no more than the recognition of a historical and , as he says , ‘ obvious ’ fact .
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