Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [vb infin] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 You can paint or stain them to any colour you want .
2 Their main advantages are : wood is an excellent insulator ; the windows come in an wide range of standard sizes ( and non-standard ones are easy for a joiner to make up if necessary ) ; they are , generally speaking , the cheapest type of replacement window to buy ; and you can paint or stain them to any colour you want .
3 ( a ) The Agency Principle Section 5 of the Partnership Act ( power of partner to bind the firm ) states that : Every partner is an agent of the firm and his other partners for the purpose of the business of the partnership ; and the acts of every partner who does any act for carrying on in the usual way of business of the kind carried on by the firm of which he is a member bind the firm and his partners , unless the partner so acting has in fact no authority to act for the firm in the particular matter , and the person with whom he is dealing either knows that he has no authority , or does not know or believe him to be a partner .
4 An act carried out by a partner in the usual course of the business of the firm will be binding on the firm notwithstanding that the partner concerned lacked the necessary authority unless the third party knew of the limitation to that partner 's authority or did not know or believe him to be a partner .
5 And so to try and bring them to heel , er we referred the matter to the district .
6 With the weight of John 's head slowly reducing one leg to numbness , I decided to try and explain it to myself .
7 This was to be her special torture then : just when she had discovered what a selfish , callous , calculating person Mark was , everybody was going to try and sell him to her .
8 Women doing long sentences are obviously going to try and find someone to be close to .
9 So you know , I say things like oh I 'm going down to see Zoey now before dinner and like she 'll follow me down or something and I 'll say oh are you going into the saloon or like to try and get her to not come with me , then I feel so guilty I think well poor Marina , you know , she 's here in a foreign country , she has n't got any friends and she 's all by herself and I would n't like it if I was in her position
10 If we 'd just attacked they 'd have killed you immediately , so I thought it best to try and get you to a safer distance before anything happened . ’
11 I shall have to come and do it to your mother and see what she thinks .
12 Erm would I be able to come and see you to er any time this afternoon about my project ?
13 ‘ Gives me an excuse to come and put you to bed , I guess .
14 By the way her mother fiddled with the handle of her wicker basket Constance could tell that she was longing for the bus to come and take her to Chollerton where her beauty and style might stand some chance of being noticed .
15 Burton was hurling himself on the course most likely to tempt and test him to the limit .
16 ‘ The aim is to encourage public awareness about the value of the buildings around them and to get owners who no longer want the properties , to sell or lease them to new people . ’
17 What they must do is relearn to choose and commit themselves to the consequences of their choice .
18 Third , you are aiming to create an atmosphere in the interview which will encourage the candidates to talk and show themselves to best advantage .
19 Your coach will collect and return you to your hotel on completion of the tour .
20 In the second account , Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests , and while they were on their way they discovered they were cured .
21 Jesus told the leper to go and show himself to the priest and make an offering for his healing .
22 It was one of those events which at a crucial stage in one 's development arrive to challenge and stretch one to the limit of one 's ability and beyond , so that thereafter one has new standards by which to judge oneself .
23 We shall attempt to apply and adapt them to a much shorter viewing distance , under controlled laboratory conditions .
24 Try never to do or say anything to a teacher ( or about a teacher ) that you would not like done or said to you .
25 Most importantly , we need to avoid situations where the horse is likely to express its aggression towards us , at least until the horse has learnt to respect and like us to some extent .
26 Once you 've stuck your shapes and text on the page you can rotate and repeat they to your heart 's content .
27 The newly-weds moved into the Red House in 1860 , and began to furnish and decorate it to Morris 's own designs .
28 We 'll try and bring it to you later in the programme .
29 I suppose they might try and sellotape her to the walls of their cells .
30 Well I would try and get something to that effect in writing .
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