Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Held , allowing the application , that since section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 made provision for persons arrested for breaking bail conditions , or on the likelihood of their so doing , to be brought before a single justice , it was an enactment falling within the exception contemplated by section 121 of the Act of 1980 which , in any event , was limited to summary trials of informations and the hearing of complaints under the civil jurisdiction ; that Parliament had intended by section 7(4) to create a simple and expeditious procedure whereby a justice was required , before forming an opinion under section 7(5) , to conduct no more than an informal inquiry , hearing the arresting officer 's grounds for belief that the person had broken or might break his bail conditions and allowing that person to respond , but without the giving of evidence on oath or cross-examination ; and that , since the provisions of the Act of 1980 relating to the adjournment of proceedings before magistrates ' courts did not apply , there was no power in the justice to adjourn proceedings under section 7(5) ( post , pp. 24A , G — 25B , C–G , 26B , E–F , H — 27A , G–H ) .
2 The objection in one audacious form is that science has or should have nothing to do with causation .
3 One can agree that another has or should have a right , that is , believe that he has or should have it , or agree to give him a right .
4 He said : ‘ We can therefore expect , on government logic , local Conservative Associations to be taken over by business ratepayers bent on winning control of councils to promote spending on services and goods they either supply or would benefit them .
5 He uses another shabby character , Tigg , to do his scrounging for him , he himself being ‘ of too haughty a stomach to work , to beg , to borrow , or steal ; yet mean enough to be worked or borrowed , begged or stolen for , by any catspaw that would serve his turn ; too insolent to lick the hand that fed him in his need , yet cur enough to bite and tear it in the dark ’ .
6 If you have burnt your mouth , suck ice in order to stop any swelling occurring that may constrict your airway .
7 Many have a dread of something happening that will plunge them suddenly into a situation of near-poverty , and a few also unconsciously use their financial problems as pegs on which to hang their much deeper fears concerning their health and their future , which they may find hard to face .
8 We would be delighted , and I expect that would blight his future even more , but it is essential that we have a mechanism to check on what is happening so that there is information and a body to which people can bring their grievances so that matters are properly set out and , more important , rectified before damage is done .
9 But I expect that will suit you , since you seem to be afraid of being alone with me . ’
10 If that could be added that would achieve my objectives and we can all get on to the debate about V A T on .
11 The capitalist system had to be unchained and the conditions created that would allow it to flourish .
12 Some 35% of us weigh over 10% more than we should — for a woman of average height and build that could mean anything from 12lb to 3 or more stone .
13 There will be one group within the BMC and climbing that will say it was n't really a competition and that the rule was invented for television spectaculars .
14 He also talks to him about the possible relationship between stress , smoking , poor dietary habits , alcohol and the incidence of peptic ulcers so that Peter understands what is happening and can consider what changes he might make in his lifestyle .
15 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
16 It aims to look at how the private sector has and can increase its involvement in local and urban regeneration .
17 These are all assets which not everyone has and can help you in achieving your goals .
18 An engineer knows how different elements will behave and can combine them to give a desired effect .
19 Officialdom does care , and is having some success in ensuring that a better informed management cares and will shoulder its responsibilities in ways appropriate to the 21st century .
20 Occasionally may cling and want to be carried and may show their irritation in some other ways .
21 The good will grow and will drown what is unhealthy , what is not worthy .
22 The baby saw it happening but could do nothing to stop it , its pudgy fingers would not close tightly enough to grasp the string … .
23 Now Vic has reached the last traffic lights before the system of tunnels and flyovers that will conduct him without further interruption through the centre of the city .
24 I afterwards met Mr Blair at the Congress , and observing his deep solicitude for Kildalton , I admitted the claims which its neglected state had upon my faith and affection , and remarked that it was not the pecuniary sacrifice that I should make that would deter me , so much as the expenditure I had lately incurred on my House and Glebe , and which would in a measure be thrown away , by my moving to Islay .
25 Ultimately it is the development that your competitors will make that will give you the opportunity — or the problem .
26 For those not familiar with the effects of earth energy lines , Mr Heye sent further documentation with his letter that listed some of the tell tale signs that may show someone is suffering from bad earth vibes .
27 ‘ I hope to God , ’ he quavered , ‘ somethin' happens that will divert you from the path you have chosen .
28 But the irony of the current position is that the Conservatives have all the same problems — but with a policy mix that will make them worse !
29 He also has to check that there are no major road or other Local Authority plans that could affect your property .
30 It would help to reduce the caseload and so permit the conditions of the Patient 's Charter to be met and would make it possible for consultants to be more involved in the routine care of patients , both emergency and elective , and so diminish the responsibilities of junior doctors for service commitment .
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