Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [v-ing] in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nor can it be any easier to decide if you prefer strolling the catwalk you abhor or sitting in the garden of the palazzo , sipping tea and talking with la Principessa . ’
2 Will there be more than one of you cooking or working in the kitchen at any one time ?
3 When the children were older , Green took them out on longer walks , when he was painting or drawing in the hills , and occasionally took one of them on one of his excursions , when he would stay away from Ambleside for a week or more .
4 There is plenty of scope for walking or climbing in the Outer Isles and on the mainland , and the exercise is often welcome after being in the cramped quarters of a small boat .
5 She stared at the creature twisting and wriggling in the glass .
6 And now the children also saw the long thin slimy yellow-bellied lizard-like creature twisting and turning in the glass , and they squirmed and jumped about as well , shouting , ‘ What is it ?
7 We enjoyed walking and playing in the surrounding countryside .
8 Once the baby is born , bouts of anger , sulking and withdrawing in the early stages of parenthood suggest that the identification continues ; men can sometimes be as post-natally depressed as their partners .
9 Mary tottered up on her perch from side to side but nothing wiped the mild , sweet benignity from her doll 's face as she dropped the dew of her mercy down from heaven on the mortal exiles below wailing and weeping in the vale of tears .
10 All round the coast fishing provided the chief by-employment , outranking both clothing and tinning in the south-eastern quarter of the county .
11 She had slept badly , tossing and turning in the heat though the room had been cool enough .
12 For my three children , walking , toddling and cycling in the park has become a much more pleasant experience .
13 In other corners and other rooms , dozens of other topics floated gaily on the lively , slightly choppy waters , their pennants bobbing and fluttering in the end-of-year , the terminal breeze : the approaching steel strike , the brave new era of threatened privatization , the abuse of North Sea oil resources , the situation in Afghanistan , the Annan report , the prospect of a fourth television channel , the viability of Charles 's attempt to conquer the United States , the Cambridge Apostles , the disarray of the Labour Party , the deplorable vogue for Buck 's Fizz as a party drink , the Yorkshire Ripper , the Harrow Road murderer , the Prince of Wales .
14 It had poured with rain ; a total cloudburst , thunder cracking and grumbling in the skies above the city .
15 Paisley was in his element , at one point stopping two old ladies to say ‘ We 're here to introduce this young lad to you 'cos you 'll not recognize him , will you ? ’ , laughing and nodding in the direction of Kilfedder , who , with a 13,000 vote majority , needed no introduction in North Down .
16 The antler and noose would be used in the mock execution of the Morrisman , and the wild jig would bring everyone on to the green , laughing and screaming in the hot , summer night …
17 The woman from Ty Fach is laughing and shouting in the night .
18 One day everyone was laughing and singing in the Delhi gardens , covering each other with pink powder and coloured Holi-water ; the next they had imprisoned themselves in the silent air-conditioned purdah of their bedrooms and offices , waiting patiently for the reprieve of evening .
19 And then , as they all stood laughing and chattering in the cold wind , the sense of desolation swept over him again .
20 In an interview in 1983 Bishop Peter said : ‘ I have a house full of young people who spend a year with me praying and working in the community to get closer to God , and I let them impinge on my ministry .
21 A teacher is reported as speaking in the following way : ‘ Two huge girls were fighting .
22 But ‘ there was no cover up , ’ the Director of Water and Sewage was reported as saying in the Sunday Times .
23 In the Financial Times of March 28 Bush 's spokesman , Marlin Fitzwater , was reported as saying in the week following the talks that the President was concerned about " the possible collapse " of the Uruguay Round .
24 If he moves into an enemy then he is engaged in hand-to-hand combat and must fight in the following hand-to-hand combat round ( he counts as charging in the first round as is also the case with magically induced movement ) .
25 He refused to consider what he regarded as interfering in the judicial process and what they saw as moderating his policy of harassing the Free Church .
26 Sir Ivor Jennings once said " If Parliament enacts that smoking in the streets of Paris is an offence then , in the eyes of the English Courts , it is an offence . "
27 Elizabeth Rickards , vice-principal of Duff Miller Sixth-Form College in London , believes that new types of examination mean that cramming in the old-fashioned way is impossible .
28 Members are appointed by the President from those considered to ‘ have knowledge or experience of conditions in the area and to be representative of persons living or working in the area ’ ( Social Security Act 1975 , Sched. 10 , para. ( 2 ) ) .
29 In national parks or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( AONBs ) , or in areas designated by the Secretary of State as ‘ rural ’ , the sale contains a covenant limiting the freedom of the purchasing tenant and his successors to resell the dwelling ; houses can be resold only to ‘ locals ’ who fulfil certain criteria , such as living or working in the designated rural area for the previous three years ; or , for ten years after the original purchase , the tenant has first to offer to resell to the council ( Liell 1981 ) .
30 ‘ Everyone living or working in the area will not only have the opportunity to say what improvements they want but will also be able to participate in planning discussions ’ .
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