Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [noun prp] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , insiders suggest that Motorola is now actively encouraging existing and potential 88000 users to start looking at PowerPC : talk of a NeXT portable has been doing the rounds .
2 GDP figures suggest that Penang is about 20% richer than Malaysia as a whole and the gap is likely to grow .
3 To Montano , Iago lies that Cassio is always drunk , and professes to ‘ fear the trust Othello puts him in ’ ( 121–31 ) .
4 Instead it demonstrated that Scotland is profoundly conservative and still possesses a robust and apparently irreducible Conservative and Unionist vote .
5 I 'm working — being here for my jocks and engineers in a crisis situation , and it may surprise you to know that Florian is also working . ’
6 Well the other thing that 's in the back of my mind is I happen to know that Cath is just taking on a new worker
7 But when times are hard , when you 're upset by things that er are wrong with patients or by things that have happened to you , then it 's nice to know that God 's always there for you .
8 To say of John Smith " His name is certainly not George Washington " is capable of being defamatory of Smith : the ordinary reader knows that George Washington could never tell a lie , and is likely to infer that Smith is therefore untruthful .
9 Thus it is claimed that God is perfectly just , where we are imperfectly so — indeed it is sometimes said that God is ‘ justice ’ or ‘ justice itself ’ .
10 People say that Lee is either precious or lazy ( make up yer minds , f—wits ! ) , but it 's become manifest that these songs are worth all the tons of grief and introspection and the endless re-tuning .
11 They 'll probably be rather dusty , but they 're quite separate from the house and I can guarantee that Eleanor 's never set foot in them .
12 Almost any spirited teenager who lived in Detroit wanted to move to its bigger busier neighbour Now a lot of people would beg to differ that Chicago is more exciting ; Saunderson would most probably be one of them .
13 Imagine , he finally splutters , ’ all these little rich old ladies listening to techno It looks like Detroit is finally recognising its brightest new industry .
14 Claire , over there , Brea oh yeah , does anybody know if Brea is still in hospital ?
15 Oh I , I do n't know whether you can answer this one , do you know if Angela is still at Metropolitan Housing ?
16 erm so I 'm aware I 'm I just like to know if Gordon is actually aware of the terms like team working net working erm .
17 Martin Kettle wonders if Thatcher is so wrong about political union
18 I do n't know whether Wills is here or not .
19 I do n't know whether Wills is here or not .
20 An emotivist will think that Butler is merely expressing and inviting an attitude whereby we favour this sort of system of self control , while an intuitionist will think that there is tacit appeal to an intuition as to what ought to be .
21 ‘ Tell me as simply and quickly as you can , Bernadette , where does Mother Clare think that Eve is today ? ’
22 I do think that Brie is probably still unknown to you unless you have tried an unpasteurised variety .
23 Here it is not a question of suggesting that Hegel is somehow answerable for the excesses of capitalism or even socialism in the past two hundred years : rather what is at stake is the argument that the dominant force of opposition to capitalism , Marxism , as a body of knowledge itself remains complicit with , and even extends , the system to which it is opposed .
24 These studies revealed that Jun-Core is strongly phosphorylated only in the presence of DNA ( compare lanes 3 and 4 ) .
25 ‘ Will ensure that CPRW is fully consulted during the plan making process . ’
26 It said it continues to appraise the situation but added that NT is more likely to appear on a Hewlett-Packard Co 's PA-RISC chip before Sparc .
27 Who says that London is more frantic than the provinces ? she asked herself wryly , as she began to come to terms with the diversity of her work .
28 DEC says that COSE is apparently not going to require participating companies to adopt its whole technology package , even though that would run the risk of watering down its whole purpose .
29 ( 2.3 ) unc This law is termed a " unit " law because , together with 2.1 and 2.2 , it says that STOP is essentially the unit of ALT .
30 Noorda says that Novell is acutely aware of the ‘ history ’ of Unix and its penetration into government and industry over the past 20 years .
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