Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pers pn] was [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How did you know that it was his van ; there must be plenty of Mini vans about ? ’
2 Also , according to Aszal , they said they did not doubt that she was his wife .
3 ‘ My lord , I have good reason to know that it was you who said a word for me in his Grace 's ear , and gave me this day for thought , and even offered me arguments I was not wise enough to find for myself .
4 Just to know that he was there could bring a smile to the face and to know now that he was n't brought an ineffable sadness to them all .
5 Especially when they are tipped that it was you who topped him . ’
6 Is it true that he 'd forgotten that he was their father ?
7 They , the audience , were what mattered , for it should never be forgotten that it was their patronage and their applause which truly kept the theatre alive .
8 Not so Jack , who appeared to have forgotten that it was his idea to invite them in the first place .
9 Although she often maintained that it was her own choice not to attend , she told an American interviewer , I would love to go to board meetings where he [ Bernard ] is chairman but I 'm not invited .
10 She joked that it was her favourite occupation .
11 Furious , he got up to complain to his neighbour , only to discover that it was his own dog which he had accidently shut outside before going to bed .
12 Afterwards , she ventured to go up to him and say that she was my sister : to which he replied kindly — ; ‘ I can see that you are ’ .
13 If they failed to reach agreement , the Queen would summon them and simply say that it was their business to ensure that the Queen 's government was carried on .
14 But then there was that newspaper review which mentioned that I was your wife , and Eleanor began to hear rumours about us getting back together again .
15 Bede represents Oswald as bringing under his sway all the peoples of Britain , divided by language into Angles , Britons , Picts and Irish ( HE 111 , 6 ) , but elsewhere writes that it was his brother and successor Oswiu , who made tributary the Picts and the Scots who inhabited the northern parts of Britain ( HE 11 , 5 ) .
16 People forget that it was they who freed the country from Pol Pot , otherwise many more would have died than the one million who were starved , tortured , and executed between 1975-78 .
17 Everything seemed to indicate that it was our friend Argol , or some flunkey of his .
18 Eric 's name was not given but it was not difficult to guess that it was him .
19 Who remembers or cares that it was he , who as minister of local government , introduced the poll tax and defended it passionately to the death ?
20 He quite liked the feeling it gave him , but he did n't know if it was it or the drink was making him feel rather dizzy .
21 I do n't know if it was my hard luck or what , but I married a Pakistani .
22 ‘ I do n't know if it was my best game — the manager decides that sort of thing , ’ said Parlour .
23 men that he , he did n't even know if it was his .
24 Old Mrs Rogers has lost a lot of her marbles but she 'd surely know if it was someone actually living along there . ’
25 But Silver called from the other boat , wanting to know if it was me .
26 Something had upset her and he doubted if it was his arrival .
27 say if it was yourself and father who both were n't well , he would , if you just pick up the phone and say , I 'm running short can I have a b b and he , he brings it round , like you know , j j
28 She could surrender because it was her knight kissing her .
29 The Cabinet first considered whether it was their duty to advise Parliament that the abolition of the death penalty would involve serious risks to law and order .
30 Another second Forest player seemed to go in then I do n't know whether it was him that caught Speedy rather than Cooper with the initial challenge .
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