Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [noun pl] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This means not only avoiding the use of words which might amount to a resignation on your part , but also checking whether words that apparently mean that your job has ended were actually intended to have that effect .
2 Mill does not discuss whether pains as well as pleasures differ in quality in an ethically significant way .
3 If you 're young you might think that cushions or even a thick rug will be fine for sitting on but not everybody would be happy — or able — to put up with this and certainly older people would prefer something more comfortable .
4 ‘ Thanks , Wayne , ’ she 'd said , only a little unsteadily , and Wayne had been able to see that questions or even concerned enquiries were definitely not being encouraged .
5 Qureshi and Simon 's ( 1987 ) work , on exchanges of assistance between elderly people and their kin , and Wilson 's ( 1987 ) findings on grandparents ' support for their grandchildren , both show that women as well as men give economic support to younger generations , but there are some gender differences in the type of support given .
6 As the paper is wet the colour merges and falls and sometimes I end up with quite a nice fusion of colours which I then leave to dry thoroughly .
7 Having been designed from the ground up , the NT kernel has yet to mature and rates as only adequate for robustness .
8 But the ways in which coins function as hoards or as individual finds are very different and hence require different approaches , although certain common features , such as the need to establish normal patterns , will be obvious in both .
9 The legends of St George and the Dragon , Apollo and Python , the Forces of Light overcoming the Forces of Darkness , Heaven and Hell and the innumerable analogies existing throughout the myths and philosophies of every civilization , all speak as metaphors that clearly illustrate this struggle towards spiritual awareness or ‘ evolution ’ in its correct context .
10 They were especially prone to liver problems , mostly seen as enlargements and sometimes as whitish spots .
11 Balance occurs when equals or Thus the input resistance at balance comprising ( ) in parallel with ( ) amounts to as required .
12 Off to one side of the house stood a low whitewashed building originally used as stables and later as a garage , but which , after much industrious clearing , cleaning and the application of repeated coats of apricot-white emulsion now did duty as studio-cum-shop .
13 Coun Buttle told members of the personnel committee : ‘ It 's important to stress that men as well as women can be victims of harassment and sometimes it 's harder for them to admit it . ’
14 So one seems able to conclude that some particular aspects of the overall optimal strategy are easier to understand than others and easier to understand earlier than others .
15 I prefer serving cold started and desserts because then all the food can be put outside at once buffet style .
16 Moreover , the enzymatic cofactors that need to be added in vitro are in many cases not known and tRNA-substrates that specifically lack the nucleoside modification of interest are scarce ( 5–8 ) .
17 He became the product director on the board for both paints and fibres and also territorial director for
18 Altogether it was much jollier in the nurseries with their rose-bud patterned wallpapers , and high wire brass-bound fenders guarding fires that never sulked and chimneys that never smoked .
19 Fellow workers approach with any problems they might have and managers as well throughout the North .
20 ( c ) The Act applies not only to land and buildings but also to fixed and moveable structures , including any vehicle or aircraft ( s. 1(3) ( a ) ) .
21 This may have caused the general tendency for films with a large amount of fixed information to be judged as distractors and hence the overall correlation with values of B.
22 Lough Melvin in Ireland has three sub-populations of the brown trout-Ferox , Gillaroo and Sonaghen — and although these feed together in the same lake they return to separate rivers to breed as adults and so the different sub-populations are maintained .
23 Land prices plummeted as Hindus as well as Sikhs left the state to escape violence .
24 In nineteen eighty four the C E C and this Congress favoured moving away from full-time officers to labour and secretaries and indeed we have implemented that policy .
25 The following list of types of secondary schools includes some that no longer exist and others that now exist only in very small numbers , often in just a few LEAs .
26 ‘ Such sections should not be inserted as footnotes but rather as important component parts of the syllabus — under headings : In The Class ; In The School ; In The Community . '
27 He like nuts and raisins as well do n't you Timmy ?
28 and hens cooked and cooked and potatoes and well
29 A human being brings in addition the qualities of " consciousness " , " will " , " ideology " , " humour " , " political aspirations " — precisely all the things which systems designers regard as uncertainties and therefore seek to eliminate .
30 Two caucasian Oxford residents with HLA-B53 but not exposed to malaria were tested as controls and neither responded to any peptide .
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