Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [adj] at the " in BNC.

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1 He was found trapped and unconscious at the bottom of the shaft .
2 For years she 'd gone blithely on in her own way , enjoying the applause , proud that she could send audiences home happy , laughing and satisfied at the end of one of her shows .
3 Wagenaar ( 1986 ) also found that memories rated as unpleasant at the time were less well recalled than pleasant ones ( for durations of up to two years ) , despite this , events with higher emotional involvement ratings ( ‘ moderate ’ to ‘ extreme ’ ) were generally recalled better than those with lower ratings ( ‘ nothing ’ or ‘ little ’ ) at all retention intervals studied , though again this was a relatively small effect , r(1603)=0.07 .
4 The choice was inevitably seen as God-given at the local level .
5 Employed successfully on their recently completed Mk XVI RW382 ( see page 50 ) , the next two airframes on schedule , TE566 and TD248 , have both now been painted and detailed at the ‘ fuselage metal complete ’ stage .
6 The secrets of the period , hidden and unknowable at the time , have been revealed in the historical conclusion of 1914 .
7 Many of them appear to have been angered and disappointed at the church 's suppression of the proposed scheme .
8 For all practical purposes , it is reasonable to assume that the children classified as unoccupied at the census were living in poverty in one parent families .
9 But blackspots remained : one third of the total number of houses in Manchester , for example , were classed as unfit at the outbreak of war .
10 Reasonableness is thus judged in the light of circumstances known and foreseeable at the time the contract was made .
11 Outside on the terrace he waved and called to the children , and a moment later they arrived panting and breathless at the top of the broad flight of marble steps .
12 The term ’ provisional sum ’ is defined as ’ a sum provided for work or for costs which can not be entirely foreseen , defined or detailed at the time the tendering documents are issued ’ .
13 He 'd swopped lunchtime 's grey suit for soft cream twill trousers , beautifully cut and pleated at the waistband , with a dark olive silk shirt .
14 All the same the effect was n't quite right , and so she undid the Alice-band at the nape of her neck and let her hair fall to her shoulders , tousled and damp at the edges .
15 The questions posed by the existence of the asylums thus remained as unanswered at the end of these closures as they had been at the inception of their planning in 1978 , when NETRHA officers too were also beginning the difficult task of addressing them .
16 She says he was shaking and foaming at the mouth — she was terrified .
17 Two more , for aligning these arms were also specified as existing at the end of the coupler rod .
18 Apart from his Midlands Grand National triumph in 1990 he also gained a verdict over Norton 's Coin at Cheltenham — two months before that horse 's Gold Cup success — and would have been an easy winner of the Greenall Whitley Chase but for falling when clear at the last fence .
19 Now gasp and faint at the little lot on offer this week !
20 Janet Pressley , of the Legal Protection Group , legal insurers , says : ‘ In one case our client , his family and their dog were crossing the road , reached a traffic island and the dog went completely berserk — screaming , writhing and foaming at the mouth .
21 We came to the Tower as Ralph 's guests for Yuletide , supping as usual at the Golden Mitre in Petty Wales , but when we met Sir Ralph that particular time , he looked as if he had seen a ghost .
22 As Bishop Thomas Brinton of Rochester said when preaching at the time of the Black Prince 's death in the summer of 1376 , it was part of a knight 's duty to help his king in time of war ; failure to do so meant loss of the right to be called a knight , which was both a sign of honour and a mark of responsibility which had to be lived up to .
23 An interesting feature that has emerged recently is the number of patients who are newly diagnosed as diabetic at the time of their myocardial infarction ( Oswald et al , 1984 ) .
24 According to Cannistraro , the report had been dismissed as unreliable at the time but now , in the light of the ‘ proven ’ Libyan connection , was the missing link that placed the blame squarely on Gaddafi .
25 Finally , the lead pickup alone is placed as usual at the end of the track , so you can still clobber the switch hard right and get back to the classic , hard-edged Telecaster tone .
26 Saturday night at the Cauldhame Arms and there I stood as usual at the back of the packed , smoke-filled room at the rear of the hotel , a plastic pint glass in my hand full of lager , my legs braced slightly on the floor in front of me , my back against a wallpapered pillar , and Jamie the dwarf sitting on my shoulders , resting his pint of Heavy on my head now and again and engaging me in conversation .
27 This was hailed as historic at the time — as a giant contribution towards a peaceful settlement of the Middle East .
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