Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [adj] [noun sg] give " in BNC.

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1 You can lay cold-roll macadam over old concrete , paving or existing macadam to give it a new surface , but it 's difficult to lay over hardcore with an ordinary garden roller — you need to put down two layers and use a hired plate vibrator to get a good result .
2 Anyone fancying a repeat of Hazy Days on the Far East Buttress might be interested to know that current opinion gives it a serious E5 6b grading .
3 Some argue for much greater administrative decentralization , to remove the ‘ Whitehall bottleneck ’ , and urge that central government gives more thought to the formulation of clearly defined policies so that local authorities can be safely left to get on with the job within a clear policy framework .
4 But , gradually , I realised that kinky underwear gives me sexual freedom .
5 Mrs Van Smirren , the County Commissioner for Lincolnshire South , also came and Brown Owl gave her a phonetic alphabet worksheet .
6 This I believe stems largely from scaremongering and misleading information given to the industry from various sources .
7 In Britain alone , Glasgow St Enoch 's was torn down in European Architectural Heritage Year ( 1975 ) ; Birmingham Snow Hill was allowed to rot for years and finally demolished on safety grounds , epitomizing a technique in all too frequent use — deliberate and wanton neglect given as a justification for removal .
8 As Geoffrey Gorer has remarked , their books for a lay public implied that psychoanalytic theory gave them an insight into matters of general concern of a depth and quality simply not available to the uninitiated , to people without qualifications .
9 I use grapeseed oil for mayonnaise , finding that olive oil gives too rich a flavour .
10 In a few areas local government agencies took some steps to tackle this problem , but real progress did not come until central government gave local authorities powers to act effectively , and also required them to take such action .
11 Both Tait and Stewart were staunch churchmen ; their book set out to show that modern science gave no reason for abandoning the belief in personal immortality .
12 To distinguish between the function of marked theme and that of marked rheme , we could say that marked theme gives prominence to an element as linking information , whereas marked rheme gives prominence to an element as the core of the message .
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