Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [vb past] of " in BNC.

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1 Of course , you are likely to get some people who say that they thought of it first .
2 Miss Groundwater — he found that he thought of her in this way again , as a fillip to rage — was seated at her mirror , already in her nightgown , brushing out her hair .
3 Assembling our find on deck we found that it consisted of a case of 10,000 cigarettes and several cases of spirits .
4 When he tried to swallow the lump in his throat he found that it tasted of beck-water .
5 They reported that they knew of no matter involving her in any way and asked for a description of the white identification cards .
6 Drafts that you made of the report and later improved or discarded should also be retained .
7 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
8 Roy winced as he thought of her .
9 She glanced at the backdrop of gentlemen , most of them in uniform , standing uncomfortably near the wall as though to divorce themselves from the proceedings and her heart sank as she thought of Craig , he should be here today , sharing in her adventure .
10 All the same , I must tell you that my heart sank when I thought of you getting ready to serve a life sentence of accounting in that ghastly tower block at London Bridge station .
11 Erdle kept hinting that he knew of something unsavoury about him — or possibly his family — and the angrier Gebrec became , the more Erdle taunted him . ’
12 Cameron , impressed but evidently rather baffled , minuted that he approved of the proposals and found them ‘ entirely in accord with what we wanted and what I thought was being practised ’ .
13 He argued that they consisted of a material substance , the ‘ germ plasm ’ , which transmitted characters from parents to offspring via the nucleus of the egg and sperm cells .
14 Referring to her disgraced son-in-law as ‘ Mr Mellor ’ , she added that she knew of his decision to resign ‘ some time ago ’ .
15 Furthermore , and even more important , various writers clearly show that they thought of England as a nation .
16 I was there when British Telecom was privatised and I warned of the grave dangers in turning public monopolies into private monopolies .
17 I felt hotter than I need have done as I thought of the man who fed the dough on long , long shovels into that blazing hole .
18 She had managed , nevertheless , to seize a few moments with the erstwhile companion when the gentlemen returned , for Araminta had at once gone over to greet Mr Saul Quatt , who had , at her request , presided over the service in the local church — much to the chagrin of its incumbent , whose ruffled feathers Mrs Alderley had been obliged to smooth when she heard of the plan from him .
19 She pocketed the Beretta , her hands still trembling as she thought of how close she had come to firing on the turn .
20 How did the people here feel when they heard of the raid ?
21 Amanda , who also has a five-year-old son , Daniel , said she managed to kick smoking when she learned of Cherie 's plight .
22 She very much wanted to read the letter she had received and she thought of crossing over to the Villa Nazionale .
23 One of them had leaked and he died of toxic shock .
24 When engaged in writing the naval history of the war , he had of course accumulated more material , both British and German , than he was ever able to use ; and one day over coffee at Cambridge I asked if he knew of any naval occasion of the Second World War which had not yet been told and which , in his view , ought to be .
25 Mr Barnes was delighted to hear from him , which made Peter suspect that he knew of Coleby 's interest in 29 Champney Road .
26 This argument , however , is countered by drawing attention to the passage in Emendatio Vitae ( c.11 ) describing singular love : which shows that he conceived of an unlimited and thus , literally , unfulfilled desire for God .
27 Lt Cot Hocevar stated that he knew of these plans , but that he considered that Carinthia was not part of Austria .
28 For example , a county GRIST coordinator ( formerly a mathematics teacher ) who claimed that he knew of the Report but had not read it , made the following eloquent and not untypical statement :
29 Charles Lambe claimed that he knew of some Dissenters who " will not touch either Food or Raiment , that was not bought in the Shop of a Fanatick .
30 ‘ You were probably told that she died of a heart attack — but she did n't .
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