Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] to " in BNC.

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1 For instance , I do n't want people to know that I used to be a drummer . ’
2 For instance , I do n't want people to know that I used to be a drummer . ’
3 The magic solution has lost its power — although if you want another performance just re-heat and re-cool the beaker … to be supersaturated means to have more dissolved than there ought to be … the cold supersaturated solution almost literally did not know what to do .
4 Basically they 're just telling the Party to consider the demands of the peasants and do what the peasants want but then er then in the first paragraph they say that you ought to erm they ought to support the masses in their erm implementation of agrarian reform , you have to give them planned guidance so it 's almost that how they 're telling the cadres to go out there and almost manipulate the peasants demands into more of a communist one .
5 Although the plan has been superimposed over an existing plan , erm , to be charitable it 's at best confusing , erm , my feeling is that in actual fact the plan there does n't actually show us , well enough , and you may consider that we ought to be asking for a much clearer plan before we make a decision .
6 I do n't seem to fed the same urge to wander that I used to . ’
7 it 's forehead cos that 's what people say and it used to be fore head and they change all the time that 's why need to record the words and see how they 're being pronounced .
8 Oh yes Dan used to stand outside calling er get your nice steak or get your nice egg bun and all this , they mostly had barkers , and it was competition you see between the , there was er Smiths the pork butchers , erm Cliffs the pork butchers , that was nearly by McMillans that were I forget and there used to be Olivers shoe shop round there and a Mr used to erm I do n't know whether you 've heard of Percy , no , and erm his father used to manage it and erm behind the Angel Alley you know the Angel Alley , well that was down shop there , and then there were several maid shops and there was the erm grocers , that 's er before you turn o that 's on the same side as Street , it , is it , is it Moors in Street , there 's a hardware shop on the corner now straight in the market place ?
9 His chief failing was a habit of cracking heavy pedantic jokes ; he was unable to let a good idea drop , and remarked several times during the course of the film that the heroine looked like she ought to be playing the horse .
10 No , I I mind you , I do n't know whether we ought to perhaps .
11 I do n't know whether it ought to be the Foreign Office , the Home Office or the Ministry of Defence . ’
12 Do n't know whether you used to , when years ago , leave something under the dustbin .
13 She could not offer advice as a grandmother , despite her long experience of children ; and now her own children had ceased to confide in her ‘ because they felt that the time had come when I ought to be ‘ spared ’ every possible worry .
14 ‘ The imagination is the distinguishing characteristic of man as a progressive being ; and I repeat that it ought to be carefully guided and strengthened as the indispensable means and instrument of continued amelioration and refinement . ’
15 He is er , strongly er , suggesting that we ought to be rather more pro-active than we either are , or than anybody is suggesting that we ought to be in the paper at number seventeen .
16 He is er , strongly er , suggesting that we ought to be rather more pro-active than we either are , or than anybody is suggesting that we ought to be in the paper at number seventeen .
17 ( The f act that some people move from this argument to suggesting that they ought to be treated worse does not obscure the fairness of the principle . )
18 It is possible to make some observations of the law relating to obscenity and indecency which indicate that , while accepting that one ought to be guided by the rule of law in censorship matters , one would be better advised to come to decisions without reference to this or that piece of obscenity or indecency legislation .
19 It 's happy with the amount of convergence they have managed to get , saying that it 's a lot easier now to agree than it used to be , pointing to the significance of the networking and X-Windows commonality the new ABI implies .
20 and he says that he used to used to trap them .
21 I have rather perhaps eccentric views about this , I do n't feel that we ought to be advertising our presence to external civilizations .
22 I would very much hope that other parents would not feel that they ought to be doing to the same thing , unless their circumstances were very similar .
23 I would very much hope that other parents would not feel that they ought to be doing to the same thing , unless their circumstances were very similar .
24 Because in recent years hypnosis has tended to leave behind its mystical and Svengali-related image — and also because complementary medicine in general is far more widely accepted than it used to be — many people are less worried about the whole concept than before .
25 It was said that there ought to be more sharing and swapping , in the name of change , equality and the exploration of the self .
26 Moreover , it has been argued that he ought to be responsible for guests or licensees on his land .
27 What I have n't done and I ought to because of the erm the way that this discussion has to unfold , I ought to say that pure few sentences about why should there be a strategic sites policy at all and erm I ought to put that on the record although it 's pretty well trailed in all the paper work .
28 I d never walk round town looking like I used to .
29 About this time he started to wonder whether he ought to be a monk .
30 Love and trust still exist , but because the emotional machinery that registers them has gone wrong , we do not feel as we used to .
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